Highway Zealots/Sandbox

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Enemy Spotted Rogue Attack Direction.jpg
Attack Direction (for refer)

Enemy Spotted

  • You may choose Engage Attack or Prepare Defenses.

Quotes - Rogue Attack

Your evil ways are about to come to an end, Commander! The Highway Zealots will wipe the blasphemy of your existence off the planet.
  — Highway Zealots (Attack 1) 

You may have won this battle, Commander, but the Highway Zealots will win the war! We have God on our side!
  — Highway Zealots (Battle Won 1) 

Do you hear that, Commander? It's the barking of the Hell Hounds on the prowl for your blood. Your destruction will taste so sweet.
  — Hell Hounds (Attack 2) 

Do you hear that, Commander? It's the barking of the Hell Hounds on the prowl for your blood. Your destruction will taste so sweet.
  — Hell Hounds (Battle Won 2) 

Rogue Attack Units

No Enemy Approaching From Incoming Units & No Of Units
1 NorthEast
  • 10 Mortar Teams
  • 3 Razorbacks
  • 6 Rocket Buggies