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Infamy   Medals   Gear Store


Medals are awards given to players every week during payout period. The number of medals you receive depends on the infamy you possess during the payout. To receive medals you need to bubble 5 bases each week so that you can earn medals. If you don't bubble 5 players, you will not get medals that week.

To receive your medals click on the 'Gear' button next to the 'World Map' button in you base.

Here is the payout table:

Global Leaderboard Raking Percentile Medals Earned
Elite Top Players 1,375 Medals
Top 0.2 - 1 % 750 - 1,150 Medals
Top 2 - 16 % 590 - 730 Medals
Top 17 - 33 % 420 - 580 Medals
Top 34 - 49 % 260 - 410 Medals
Bottom 50 % 250 Medals

Mission Quotes

There are riches out there, Commander--we only need to take them. Destroy 5 enemy Commanders a week and we will earn Medals that we can exchange for powerful new weapons.
  — R.U.B.I. 

The war wages on, Commander! Continue to eliminate your foes and earn Medals that can be exchanged for some of the most weaponry available.
  — R.U.B.I. 

You're well on your way to strategic World Map dominance, Commander. Destroy more of your worst enemies to earn more Medals-- and even greater rewards. The time to strike is now!
  — R.U.B.I. 


Known Issue

Resolved Bug

  • Known Issue - Medals / Attack

Additional Information

  • Medals payouts have been moved to Mondays 4PM PST.
  • Game should be back up, medals and attacking fixed. If this is not the case, please let us (Kixeye) know.
  • 1/23 Update - Medal payout issues have been resolved. Medals are now expected to pay out on time, as expected.
  • The maximum Medal balance can be hold at Gear Store is 1000 Medals.


Images have been resized to fit in the page. Click to enlarge.

