Mortar Tower

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Mortar Tower.jpg

Mortar Towers fire explosives into the air and rain down destruction on attackers. Upgrade the Mortar Tower to improve its range, damage and health.
  — In-game description 

No longer used.

The Mortar replaced the Mortar Turret on the October 19th dynamic turrets update.

Upgrade Progression

Structure Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Power Usage Range Damage Explosion Range Command Center Level
Metal Oil
1 1,000 800 1m 10 350 175 DPS 100 1
2 12,000 9,000 10m 29 364 205 DPS 105
3 30,000 23,400 18m 52 379 240 DPS 110
4 75,000 60,840 36m 80 394 285 DPS 115 2
5 187,500 158,189 1h 12m 112 410 335 DPS 120 3
6 468,750 411,278 2h 24m 147 426 395 DPS 125 3
7 1,171,875 1,069,323 4h 48m 186 443 465 DPS 130 4
8 2,929,688 2,780,240 9h 36m 227 461 550 DPS 135 4
9 7,324,220 7,228,624 19h 12m 270 479 650 DPS 140 5
10 18,310,550 18,794,422 1d 14h 24m 317 498 765 DPS 145 5

Total Time: 3d 4h 42m

Total Metal: 30,510,583

Total Oil: 30,536,116

Known Issues

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  — Attribution 

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Fun Facts

Mortar Towers shoot 4 shells every 4-6 seconds.

Mortar Tower are referred as "stupid" because you can trick it by shooting only one target! The Mortar Tower will decide to shoot the nearest unit first then the other approaching targets. It will only shoot the approaching targets if the first target is either is dead or out range of the mortar tower. This tactic is called: "Mortar Baiting".

Mortar Tower is the only defense building that cannot shoot air units.

Suicide Bombers (especially upgraded Suicide Bombers) are very effective against Mortar Towers. A level 8 suicide bomber can damage a lv9 mortar tower for about 17% - 19%, and given that they can move fast, they can probably avoid the mortars.

Mortar Towers outrange every unit(even level 8 hellfires) except for aircraft, which it can't hit at lv9 or lv10.

The Mortar Tower now has improved range and damage at all levels.