Talk:Before Game Release Differences/@comment-6969786-20130605182128/@comment-5019025-20131104143310

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Yes that is indeed the orginal pic for the attack dog, but it was changed because it looked too scary. 

The Building you have there was supposed to the repair shop where units would be repaired in, but later kixeye scrapped the building idea and made repairs happen in the War Factory and Barracks. Even later the repairs were moved to the Storage building. 

I don't know anything on the Super Laser APC. Possibly it's old artwork for the Laser Tank

The Tech and Medic were units in the game, but they were removed to be replaced by a repair system. 

The UH-60 Chopper has never been released

The next pic is old artwork for the Flak Tank

Below that you have the V2 artillery unit available to us through special ops

The Building below that is indeed the old war room, through which we could access a list of enemies. This building was removed when the world map was released.

Below that you have a pic of how the Mortar Tower used to look before dynamic turrets

Then you have the artwork for the Rocket Launcher before it changed into the Mortar team

Below that is a pic of how the Razorback used to look before its look was changed.