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It says the range of a maxed out herc is 315, that of a maxed out humvee is 310 and that of a maxed out cobra is 315, yet in the game both a herc and humvee will shoot at a cobra before the cobra can shoot at the herc or humvee. Which of the ranges is wrong?

I'm wondering if the Go-Go Bar has something to do with the non-stat range differences you mention. I do notice the humvees, and sometimes the Heavy Gunners, will start shooting at my Cobras, while my cobras still need to move forward to return fire. --Pokebreaker (talk) 22:17, August 4, 2012 (UTC)

Humvees can out range cobras easily because defending anti air units recieve a range bonus against air.

Nyen (talk) 23:53, August 4, 2012 (UTC)