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THe assumption, there're no blitz or rocket silo in your base. Flak is the 2nd weapon effective againts TITAN (the 1st is stinger missile both from stinger unit or hovercraft). However, only 2 flak turrets will not be able to bring down TITAN be4 he reach the attack range to your turret. As i expereinced it, the most effective unit againts TITAN is 15 Ehumfee with max stinger upgrade or 3-4 hovertank maxed. For the event, this method work perfectly because most of times, the TITAN will be lured away by your stinger unit (hover or ehumfee) but for PvP, you have to put considerable number (as i mentioned be4 at least) to bring it down fast. Not to mention your base should be put stinger bunker/Wach Tower either.  But nowadays, there're Blitz Turret or if you advanced enough Rocket Silo with Achilless missile, and even the heavy gunner can be upgraded with anti unique shell. so it gonna be a lot easier to bring down TITAN.