Talk:War Commander Wiki

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Why is the game shut down??? I whas taking a Thorium depo and the game shut down??? Why??...

17:57, October 17, 2013 (UTC)17:57, October 17, 2013 (UTC)17:57, October 17, 2013 (UTC)17:57, October 17, 2013 (UTC)

one men used hacks Jaspher  Bautista is his facebook please someone to banned him

i purchased helstorm using my xp but after i purchased it nothing appear on my aircraft even in my hangar

You should build a new on in airfield first - Harimaumalaya1994

War Commander is getting worst.

This game needs so repairs fast:

A) 380 on MG elminates the fun for most levels, all the way to level 38.

B) Air craft hanger restrictions such as the units can not return to storage without being repaired first prevents from selecting your other units to continue the fight, so basically the hanger concept is a waste.

C) continual increase in levels for defenses, and units, descourages lower units from hanging around.  Levels go up much faster than the average player can, so the gap widens.

D)  new levels means it is getting even harder to defeat any level 40's or thorium bases.  While it may take a player months to get to get to those levels, the new bases are there in a moment flat leaving everyone out from playing.

E)  The timing release of thorium is too limited.  Unless you are seating at home everyday, waiting for that time frame, you might get a possible base to attack. 

F)  Once you get higher ranks, you can not get enough thorium to continue due to limits.  Above level 34, you are basically hanging out for thorium and nothing else.

G) Need more splits between who can attack who.  A Grade 30 has ZERO change against a grade 34 or higher.  Consider moving level 36 or higher to another platform.

Pretty much Kixeye is destroying this game very quick. 14:10, November 16, 2013 (UTC)

what should i do i purchased a helstorm using my xp but nothing appear on my aircraft what should i do pls help

==openWar Commander agronzogu==[[--Klerjanzogu (talk) 11:48, March 6, 2014 (UTC)Link titl] == open1 == open2

==open3Italic text

Raptor schematic

Raptor schmantec--is it worth getting the Hellfire missile for the Raptor?  My raptors are level 10+. And yes I do like my raptors to live and have Air Armor 3/Raptor Engine.


Please how to change my backgraund photo of my website Wiki ??? 

how can i have a badge?Mark827 (talk) 18:35, September 16, 2014 (UTC)

hello first. Kixeye canceled accounts fairly ?. ask because I was a victim of cheaters in the sector 57 almost 3 years ago now and I tired to send reports by a cheater clan who had locked my base completely and bases of my friends too. spent a week l

hello first. Kixeye canceled accounts fairly ?. ask because I was a victim of cheaters in the sector 57 almost 3 years ago now and I tired to send reports by a cheater clan who had locked my base completely and bases of my friends too. spent a week locked inside our bases because it was never suspended hellstorm Kixeye event and those players. that's when I started to use the traps there too and if you cancel Kixeye me. is that fair ? then from that moment until today will not leave alone because in my Kixeye Kixeye reasoning acted at their convenience because those players they placed money in their accounts . this is not cheating. This is the farce of Kixeye to fill their pockets.

Is kixeye gave christmas prizes