Template:Anti-Air Rifling

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402 ANTI-AIR RIFLING ( Limited Tech ) : Increased Damage vs Air Units when in Base Defender Platoon ( Edit )
RESTRICTED AVAILABILITY : See History of Availability For More Information
Techicon-Anti-Air Rifling.PNG
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Workshop
Equip Cost / Unit Capacity Used Description
Metal Oil Thorium Metal / Oil Thor
1 N / A N / A N / A N / A 5 516,000 322,500 500 See Below
2 46,440,000 46,440,000 0 12h 500 See Below
3 61,920,000 61,920,000 0 1d 500 See Below
4 77,400,000 77,400,000 0 1d 12h 500 See Below
5 92,880,000 92,880,000 2,580,000 5e 500 See Below
6 108,360,000 108,360,000 3,010,000 5s 500 See Below
ANTI-AIR RIFLING : Level Descriptions
1 + 10% Damage to Air While in Base Defender Platoon
2 + 20% Damage to Air While in Base Defender Platoon
3 + 30% Damage to Air While in Base Defender Platoon
4 + 40% Damage to Air While in Base Defender Platoon
5 + 50% Damage to Air While in Base Defender Platoon
6 + 60% Damage to Air While in Base Defender Platoon