Template:GU 07-10-2019 Bug Fixes

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For Game Update: July 10, 2019

Bug Fixes

  • Players stuck on tutorial after being asked to place a turret they never had - Fixed!
  • Kraken Fires at 15 targets instead of the intended 16 - Fixed!
  • Phase 9 of Shadow Ops 20.3.3 was not awarding the parts - Fixed!
  • Removed “Invite” button from game UI - Not functioning as intended
  • Infamy Drip didn't reschedule after bubble expired naturally. - Fixed!

Fun Story: We've been getting sporadic reports from our wonderful community that the Infamy Drip was not working. How could this be? We had turned on the lever and it had been double, tripled, quadruple checked. Eventually we got help from some of you to provide real examples of when it wasn't working. And it was undeniable: in some cases it wasn't!
What we found is that we had made sure that all of the edge cases when players are supposed to get Infamy Drip worked, like logging back in after awhile, or relocating, or us turning it off then on again, but we had failed to do those most obvious of cases: what happens when your bubble naturally expires. We have now made it so all players receive infamy if their bubble expires naturally. We can't believe we missed this. Thank you to our wonderful community for helping us fix this and the many other issues you help us with.