Template:Heavy Hardened Armor (Mega Tank)

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46 HEAVY HARDENED ARMOR : Reduced Damage From Ground Units ( Edit )
Techicon-Heavy Hardened Armor.png
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Workshop Level Equip Cost / Unit Cap Used Description
Metal Oil Thorium Metal Oil Thor
1 1,170,000 1,170,000 0 13m 19,500 0 0 80 -5% Damage From Ground
2 1,755,000 1,755,000 0 52m 29,250 0 0 140 -10% Damage From Ground
3 2,340,000 2,340,000 0 1h 44m 7 39,000 0 0 200 -15% Damage From Ground
4 2,925,000 2,925,000 0 3h 28m 8 48,750 0 0 260 -20% Damage From Ground
5 3,510,000 3,510,000 0 6h 56m 10 58,500 0 0 320 -25% Damage From Ground
6 7,245,000 7,245,000 1,610,000 5s 10 0 400 -30% Damage From Ground