Template:Icon faction-unit legend

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Faction Logo Trait  
Survivors units benefit from Warlust and Loyalty. Survivors units benefit from Warlust and Loyalty.
Corpus units benefit from Adaptive Defenses and Loyalty. Corpus units benefit from Adaptive Defenses and Loyalty.
Sentinels units benefit from Devotion and Loyalty. Sentinels units benefit from Devotion and Loyalty.
Ryu Kai units take less damage from shells, bullets and missiles when defending. Ryu Kai units take less damage from shells, bullets and missiles when defending.
Eastern Horde units take less damage from fire and can ignite ammunition of units they kill, damaging nearby units. Eastern Horde units take less damage from fire and can ignite ammunition of units they kill, damaging nearby units.
Hell Hounds doesn't have any trait. Hell Hounds don't have any traits.
Highway Zealots units have Iridium armor, taking less damage from most of the sources, except Zealot-killer units. Highway Zealots units have Iridium armor, taking less damage from most of the sources, except Zealot-killer units.
Kane's Forces units take less damage from all damage types, except fire. Kane's Forces units take less damage from all damage types, except fire.
Shadow Alliance units take less damage from fire, and use smoke frequently to reduce range of enemy units. Shadow Alliance units take less damage from fire, and use smoke frequently to reduce range of enemy units.
True Believers' infantry take reduced damage from shots while crew of their vehicles survive its destruction. True Believers infantry take reduced damage from shots while crew of their vehicles survive its destruction.
Red Lokust units are immune to shock and resistant to burst. Red Lokust units are immune to shock and resistant to burst.
Verkraft doesn't have any trait. Verkraft don't have any traits.
Onyx units benefit from self repair protocol. Onyx units benefit from self repair protocol.
Descendants units take reduced from most of the damage sources, with the exception of some units including Series I. Descendants units take reduced from most of the damage sources, with the exception of some units including Series I.
This unit does not benefit from any faction trait. Non-faction units don't benefit from any faction trait.