Template:Vanquisher Arctic Camo

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381 VANQUISHER ARCTIC CAMO ( Limited Tech ) : Extends Shield / Reduced Damage From Aircraft ( Edit )
ChallengeBase-ICON.png  Available From Arctic Challenge Bases  ChallengeBase-ICON.png
Techicon-Vanquisher Arctic Camo.PNG
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Workshop Level Equip Cost / Unit Capacity Used Description
Metal Oil Thorium Metal Thor
1 N/A N/A N/A N/A 500 See Below
2 32,400,000 32,400,000 840,000 5s 500 See Below
3 43,200,000 43,200,000 1,120,000 5s 500 See Below
4 54,000,000 54,000,000 1,400,000 5s 500 See Below
5 64,800,000 64,800,000 1,680,000 5s 500 See Below
6 75,600,000 75,600,000 1,960,000 5s 500 See Below
1 +0.5 Seconds of Active Shield Time    - 5% Damage Taken from Aircraft
2 +1.0 Seconds of Active Shield Time    - 10% Damage Taken from Aircraft
3 +1.5 Seconds of Active Shield Time    - 15% Damage Taken from Aircraft
4 +2.0 Seconds of Active Shield Time    - 20% Damage Taken from Aircraft
5 +2.5 Seconds of Active Shield Timev- 25% Damage Taken from Aircraft
6 +3.0 Seconds of Active Shield Time    - 30% Damage Taken from Aircraft