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[1]AmmaMama's use of chat in sector 6 and her fore time enemy Bewitching AKA LadyShade during sector 6.


A person who invested new tatics into war commander and was seen as one of the Most Deadliest Platoon Killers in War Commander History. ==Sector 6== In the dawn of Operation Warhawk the greatest war to sector 6 started. It was the time that a lvl 15 named AmmaMama had Elite Warhawks as it was time Amma saw a use for these beast that during an time of 3 people meet AmmaMama (The Great Platoon Killer), Kim_ChaosFamily (A Base Attacker), and kim_chaosfamilys dad (A powerful high leveld base attacker) joined togheter and were known as Anti-Clan and brought great havock to sector 6 as amma has been in a previous big war which intented the start of the event was due to amma's chat spamming which caused great distress among players.

The Background

AmmaMama the greatest known platoon killer in the sector first made her debut as a platoon killer in the war they're was a massive increased use in Warhawks which seemed to be the biggest aircraft and the Thunderbolts were out of use due to the Warhawks powerful use and it was a hit! == [2]Amma had many allies.== on nearly every person had saw a great use. Before the easy repair of aircraft and modern platoon system was a time everynation preserved the aircraft and tried to prevent losses and as they're was a automatic platoon system which was a problem when the new platoon system was introduced. Attack dogs saw use as a scout and it was mainly a scout to show off and its new platoon looks.

Strategies Introduced

Amma thought differently from many people she thought if she could kill the platoons that they're would be no attacks and the people would end up giving up. Amma had also used a new tatic known as Base misleading. Base misleading was destroying the entire base with a go go bar and this would possibly decrease the amount of resources looted and trick air into attacking turrets with a high chance of losing it. Amma believed platoon killing was the biggest deal of the battlefield.

"All night they're will be no attacks if i got the time to stay in my base or kill the platoons."-AmmaMama

Amma had been in the group she was in earlier known as chaos she used the badge to secretly prevent attacks on her base. A common rule of warfare was

"The First attacker will always win!"-AmmaMama

Amma had invested a great use of military tatics in a great war she was the great attacker. However Amma Saw a weakness which was a platoon of anti air but she didn't just give up, she used tanks and air to lure the anti air and attack with both. Amma was so great of a platoon killer as a lvl 15-19 in sector 6 that she was credited as being a hacker.

The War Of Sector 6

AmmaMama saw great troubles she saw that she got constant DPs (Damage Protection) but in return she gave constant platoon losses. Even the blockades couldn't stop her she was nearly indestructiable and barbaric. She had easily started conflicts due to her chat, or act of world domination. For every dp amma got was about 22 platoon killed in total she got almost 40 dps for the pay of killing 300 platoons, Platoon including Megas & Hercules,Challengers,Palidans, Rhinos, and mostly Attack dogs. Amma had allies but late into the war Kim_chaosfamily and kim's dad had relocated due to the DPs later amma was forced to Relocate to a new sector of a small war 189.

Into Other Sectors.

[3]Her Army which was always at repair while in 184

The Small War Of 189

Amma was an ally of everyone and this time she had Palidans for use in battles as she was forced to leave soon again. This time it started as an event of uncalled attacks on Amma's base 1 week she has been in and she was forced to use diplomatic relationships to establish peace to other nations. This didn't last so long later she launched a counter attack and had her base DPd for the cost of 44 platoons she killed she was called hacker once again and forced to relocate quicker then she thought've,

The Voyages And Recruitment of Allies

Amma went voyaging to 4 different sectors to establish relationships with far away allies and to bring hopes to end enemied war in the 4 sectors. Using her same great diplomatic skills to enhance the relationship among fellow players.

The 248 War

5x smaller then the great war of sector 6 but still deadly as many as 100 platoons were taken out but less DPs only as much as 7 DPs were given. This time AmmaMama used a new tatic called Banditing (Tbolt spamming unprotected storages) and attacking depos with the same tatic instead to pick off turrets. [4]The blockade on Hamish.

The Bob/Hamish War

Amma was forced to fight Bob(A 11 year old and son of Hamish) after he made unprovoked attacks on his ally Sagat. One day while surrounding Bobs base Hamish(Bob's dad) got involved and attacked Amma's platoons and forced Amma to make a retalliation attack thus DPing Hamishes base and blockading it and later Hittlerr was forced to join in after making ignorant comments on Amma's platoons around Hamishes base and forcing Amma to get allies to help her in her great war. Later as people suspected the enemies have gave up with Amma killing over 100s of platoons and forcing the enemies to surrender thus leading AmmaMama to winning the war in sector 62 with over 40 people involved Amma remains superiour once again! However it didn't end they're the player Hittlerr was uber jealous of Amma's victory that he tried to DPed Amma's base but failed miserably and cowarded.

"The gates of war has opened and its time for war and thus i will kill over 100s of plats and you will surrender i just know it!"-AmmaMama

"I have surrendered and i cannot withstand the war this has brought so i foreby declare surrender!"-Styx

"Anybody who has fought against this girl will be sure to surrender and i see it happening already."-Beetle Bailey

"I want people to understand that Amma was no problem that all along it was Hamish that started this, thus the mastermind behind this war will pay!"-B13

"Hittlerr go scrap all your units and then go to your house cut yourself 5000 times then go to your basement, hang yourself then stick a waterhose in your anus and drown!"-AmmaMama

[5]Amma and her allies protecting her.===Before The War Of 62 and Bob/Hamish War?=== Amma lives in the great sector 62 to establish more relationships with further allies and peaceful event times. Also famously fought the evil dragon from sector 62 and everyone awarded her with gold!

The Second War of 62.

This time the war started with Carlsjr and Styx seceding from LoneWolves for the reason of their aggresive actions against AmmaMama and this lead to the Second 62 War or know as the Second Bob/Hamish War or the 8th Amma War. Many people expected this to come as they knew it as it forced a second great war and brought a new genearation of The Modern Players(Players who hack and cheat for their group or clan). The modern players played a big role as many as 30 people were one of these people and this lead to an endless war of destruction and lasted for 2 hours and later both sides gave up and proclaimed

"They're will be over 30 bans and not one of them will end as thus i saw trouble on both sides and thus the proclamation of sides that a war will be canceled if neither side can win or thus proclaim a proper victory and as this agony of despair rises i thus say that more than 80 people will surrender if this continued but it will not end and as my statement as made will thus ensure the future of our clan and greatness of the emirates of Legion Of Death and Lonewolves and the other 2 comrades that have fufilled their destiny to secede are all apart of something we call the Second War Of 62 and as we all continue we are the True players and not the players that use stubborn tatics that defies the rules of common misintentional parts that we are people that can fight a war for ourselves and not rely on such despair and distinguished stubborn tatics that i thus proclaim that it has today the war has ended."-Ray Thomas proclaiming the end of the war. [6]Amma was so famous she even was wanted by David Scott.


AmmaMama is now in sector 157 looking forward to diplomatic relationships with many famous war commanders including Lars (a famous total anarchy member that is commonly on war commander forums and a admin of total anarchy). ==Chat Problem== Amma had a huge impact just by her chat caused 2 wars. She occasionaly would say she hacked but stoped doing this in sector 6 (Because of a problem it caused with Kixeye Staff) would cause occasional trouble and wars. Amma was also known as The Greatest Chat Warrior In War Commander. She would use crazy insults to fear her opponents and to bring great fear into the enemies she was a person we would call a Troll. [7]a average day of chat in ammamama's life. ==The Banning Incident== Amma was banned after being called a hacker in sector 6 and claiming she was a hacker herself even though she had no skill in such use she was banned for a period of 5 days also known as The Anytime Retalliation. Amma had spoken to kixeye staff and she was unbanned in a very unusual event. [8]A example of the ban given to AmmaMama==Relationship With Other Groups And Members== She provides the groups shes in by giving them platoon killing tatics and help groups in many sectors. She is in many as 36 groups as of now.


Helped Amma advance her army by gifting her oil to help her in her conflicts.


Goldair had famously cowardly attacked platoons utterly failing and losing tons of megas and flaks in battles and was forced to leave sector 157 for a week then coming back to lose again!

Amma's Strategies

Amma's Strategies Platoon fighting. The thing is is to attack first and use air and tanks. tanks and air is all you need to kill a plat. if the plat is dead then they cant attack you. if the enemy sends his plat running send 3-5 plats toward his plat and try to blockade and surround him if he runs and moves around then attack him quick. its possible to attack before ur plat is on the square by clicking scout right when ur plat is about to get on the hex bordering the enemy. if you encounter something you cant defeat retreat it into some other far place then send backup then wait and once ur backup arives move ur weak plat elsewhere and ur fighting plat to the plat and attack it. if you see dogs kill it fast or it will kill you fast.rifleman and dogs is recommended to be setnt toward dogs. If you know you a platoon is off and easy and ready to kill ur depo then attack that enemy plat then restart page and keep doing it until he askes you to stop then make him send his plat to his base. Platoon Attacking. if you see some tank platoons just use air. if you see little amount of aa just send air and make it attack the aa then attack the other units once aa is destroyed. if you see lots of aa and heavy units then send tanks to kill the aa then if tanks come nearby ur tanks then retreat or end attack then reattack or send tanks again and kill the remaining aa. then once all aa is demoralized then destroy the heavy units with air. Base Strategies if a plat is ready to attack ur base then send a plat out and move it toward the enemy plat and get in your base then get our of ur base then attack the enemy plat and destroy his plat by attacking it quick. if somebody is ready to attack ur base then destroy ur base with go go bar as this will prevent people from stealing your resources and help you get a dp easily without costing any resources. Trickery And Good Use Of Chat If you are in a conflict where ur tanks can get killed by air then convince the people you will stop attacking them if they spare ur tanks or units then attack them once ur units are killed but make sure to give them a reason to not cause bad reputation. if the enemy is intimitated to attack you cause of your chatting then chat your way out of it by proving them wrong by using statements and facts such as for example "its just words the actions can determine the problems or situations itself". if you know theres somebody looking for your coords then dont talk or relocate if you see somebody looking for your coords. Hints always check your attack log once in a while every 4-22 minutes to ensure your protection is safe. make sure there is no enemies nearby your base by checking your plats and depos and look around 30 hexes around your base.

Famous Quotes

"And i'll personally show you Farmville when i make your base my farming station and situation for resources"-Styx said to Hittlerr as he was attacking Amma.

"I like wtf, people like wtf, you like wtf, everyone likes wtf"-Ammamama/Loggi

"not through cowardice but through strategy!"-Ammamama


She Has been in many sectors for the purpose of investing time into learning tatics.

Many of these sectors are United States, Eastern European, and Indian sectors.

She is sometimes known as a Warm Gun meaning that she could trigger a event at any possible moment and use diplomatic relationships to further complex it.

She is seen as a Warlord in some sectors and a uncivilized brute in others and the great voyager in some others.

She is a very anonymous user

She made this page.