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This is our badge in the game! left bottom!

Hello to all War Commander players,

I'm Wesley Jansen from the Netherlands. I live in Eindhoven and i'm 31 years old, i also have a daugther by the age of 4.

I play the game now for a year now. I almost play everyday and my level is 39. I play it with my crew. They called the Dutch Clowns. At the moment we have 17 members. Our leader is Rober_DC. To become a member of our alliance you need to speek dutch, follow our leader his orders, play by sector rules and also help the low level of our alliance first. After that's done you help the sector when needed.

I'll try to give as much input as i can. We talk alot about tactics to play the game at best. We tell how to do it. For example: with a sentinal toon you can kill a verkraft 35 without walking over mines. When you start at the south/west place of a verkraft 35 base and you send in a sentinal toon and play it with RUBI ON, you won't step on a mine. And there are more things we try out. I hope you can learn from my alliance and offcourse i hope to learn alot from you all.