User blog:BehindTheEight/I LOST A HARD DRIVE !!

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I had a HD stop working on me.  Just happened to be the one I had EVERYTHING on related to WC.

  • I had tons of stuff I had been collecting to do the past Event pages
  • Lots of screenshots I took of so many units level stats that I had not gotten to uploading yet. 
  • Screenshots of every level of every Rogue Faction base layouts. Plus thor & boss base layouts.
  • A huge amount of screenshots of  everything we could really need to do most of the individual Rogue Faction pages.
  • Lots of lots on and shots of tests I had done. 
  • and worst of all all my GIMP files I used as masks and templates to cut out things and what ever
  • Basically 2 years worth of historical screenshots of virtually everything that has been in the game.

I had everything sorted out in folders and ...... UUUUUUUGGGGGG!

I can start to recollect things that are still in the game and thing I ran across on the net ( maybe, if i see it again that is ) but the shots I had taken of Events and things that have changed in the game since Operation: Warlord.

This makes me feel little defeated.

And to make things even worse I had just been talking to Killroy1080 about making a Dropbox or something that we could upload all the raw pics and stuff to so we would could all have access to what ever we needed depending on what page they might be working on, existing or new.   TWIST THE KNIFE!

I realize not a lot of you care about the history part of the game but I do.  Plus I think by seening changes that have been made over the existance of WC players now could get a better idea of how things are intended to work and maybe prep them for things that may be coming in the future. 

I can still chug along for new and existing topics here on the wiki but it might be quite a while before the past stuff is fully completed now.