User blog:BehindTheEight/Thank you Admin's

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I would like to thank the Admins for allowing me to join there ranks. 

This is a great wiki.  It is so hard to get info from Kixeye or from any Facebook page ( no offense WC Tech) so this wiki is a fantastic way to get info out to all the players who want it. 

If anyone has any suggestions for new pages, how to make something more clear, or anything just let me know and I will be happy to try and help out.

I hope everyone is happy with the edits I have done to date.  I know I tend to get a little fussy about things being orginized so I hope that annoy anyone.

Prior to editing these pages I had never done any wiki editing or HTML work really so I'm still learning so I will most likely keep going back and tweeking things that I have done already.

A special thanks to Vova2000 for the invite.