User blog:Msrayburn61/The only All-Christian Clan in War Commander...come join us...;)

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Warriors For Christ

We at "WFC" (Warriors For Christ) are the only all-Christian Clan in the War Commander gaming community. We provide facebook pages and associated chats for fellowship for like-minded individuals and community outreach. We accept all Christian applicants into our clan. We are a peaceful clan that walks tall and carries a big stick. We protect those that cannot protect themselves and if diplomacy doesnt work, we will go for the jugular. We have many allies and work well with others. If you play War Commander and wish to be a part of something greater than yourself, pick up a weapon and come join us. We have positions available to advance the clan, such as; Sector defence, Raid teams, humor columnist for our outreach page, and passage poster ( whom finds and posts relevent biblical passages) to both our private "members only" and "outreach" pages on facebook...just to name a few. I could also use a hand in the continueing developement of our page. If you are tired of going it alone and are a self-confessed Christian, please contact me on facebook @ or message me on kixeye @

my game name is SgtSam(44)

You can find me on facebook by the name-Sam Rayburn

We look forward to you being part of the fastest drowing all-Christian clan in War Commander!

Thank you for your time,
