User blog:Ranger-X/My History with the game War Commander

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War Commander was one of the best games I ever played, and the best online game I ever played. Here is my history with the game.

I started playing the game on January 2012 after I celebrated my 25th birthday (my birth date is January 23). When I started WC, I thought it would be similar to the Command & Conquer series, which are also real time strategy games. The battles were very similar, but most of the game was different from what I was used to seeing.

Unfortunately I had some bad experiences with War Commander, so I had to quit. :( I ended up retiring from the game on October 15, 2014 for two reasons.

The first reason was because of how slow and monotonous the game was to me. Being a Command & Conquer veteran, I was used to fast gameplay where building and repairing times were in seconds or minutes. Unfortunately, War Commander forced me to wait for hours or even days so my units could repair. I started losing interest until I finally became sick of it.

The second reason was that some of the players were hacking the game. I know some people have the same problem with cheaters. I also took losing to other players too personally and lost my temper a few times. When I play Command & Conquer games, I prefer skirmishes to network games.

I miss the old days before Kixeye introduced thorium and uniques. Those were the only two features that ruined my experience. In my opinion, if they had omitted thorium and uniques, the game would have been perfect. Since they included these things, I wish they would let me play an older version of War Commander. I do like some of the newer units, but I love the game's rocket weapons the most. My top two favorite units are the Elite Hellfire Tank and Elite Hellstorm.

Instead of trying to keep up with Kixeye's updates (which I believe is impossible to do), I decided to move back to Command & Conquer Generals (my favorite strategy game) and create mods for it. My experiences with War Commander helped me in designing my Project-X mods. :)