User blog:Rewire387/Another rant blog

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First, if you don't like people nagging at you, get off, and go to idon'

Now for the rants.

For one, I guess what everybody does on this wiki is go to the header, look at the "Wiki Admins" section and discover that there is someone called WarCommander. Of course, next up, they go to his message wall and spew vulgarities, and shout, scream, punch him for all the glitches the game has. Well, firstly, if you really don't like all the problems, we could easily quit the game. Second, these idiots just never stop. They rant at the admins message walls, wanting their gold, Elite Hellfire, riflemen, 20 cent coins back. Well, one day, someone is going to jump over to my wall and ask one of those idiotic questions. I'm gonna kick them in the butt and rollback every edit they have done. Okay, I'm joking, but wit till I really do that - I'll go mad first anyway.