User blog:Thane Mantis/So I got unbanned from the forums

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Well. This is interesting. After technically a 7 month or so appeal if Im allowed to count the time I spent trying and failing to convince Sulaco to let be have my original forum account returned to me (though he never actually discussed it with me, just ignored my PM's) it would seem my patience has finally paid off.

After waiting the better part of a month, the new(-ish since he's been already around for a few months now) CM for the War Commander forums , Burny, has allowed me to have my original forum account returned to me. No questions asked either, he just did it. Only thing is Im still in a last warning state right now, so one infraction and all my work is undone and I'll have no choice but to abandon the account, likely for good this time.

But, in the meantime, and if avoid another mis-step, I have my main account back again with all permissions restored. I have done the impossible. Yay!


KIXEYE giveth and KIXEYE taketh. Account is banned again, and as is standard, nobody tells me why. 7 months event down the bloody drain. Classic KIXEYE. Totally nullify everyone's work at a moments notice. Why the bloody hell do I even bother at this point.