XP Top-Off

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Over the years since events have started, players have been commented about what to do with the left over XP from the events and what should be done about this issue.   Wonder no more, Kixeye has adds the ability to use Gold to make up the difference when you do not have enough Event Experience Points!

Once the event is over and you see the use it or lose it screen, you can spend what event xp you have left.  If you come up short, but would still like to make a purchase, you can cover the additional event xp you may need, with gold!.  

Now I know this is not for everyone, and I know that some players will be upset about this, but in some cases, this will be an awesome addition to the events.  I know I've been just shy of a new unit or a trophy, and would have loved the option to cover the difference with Gold

How it works: (in a nutshell)

  • You can only Top Off during Use It Or Lose It.
  • You can only buy the difference with Gold if you have at least half the XP you need anyway.
  • Purchasing the difference with Gold still consumes your remaining XP, so you can only do it once per Event (since, after you do it once, you won't have half the XP of anything in the store)
Used or losed new.jpg