Template:( R ) Toxic Weapons Handling

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1023 ( R ) TOXIC WEAPONS HANDLING ( Rare Limited Tech ) : Applies Corrosion Status Effect ( Edit )
RESTRICTED AVAILABILITY : See History of Availability For More Information
Corrosion-ICON.png  Status Effect Weapon : Corrosion  Corrosion-ICON.png
Techicon-Toxic Weapons Handling.PNG
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Workshop
Equip Cost / Unit Capacity Used Description
Metal Oil Thorium Metal / Oil Thor
1 N / A N / A N / A N / A 5 N / A N / A 500 SEE BELOW
2 20,000,000 20,000,000 0 12h N / A N / A 500 SEE BELOW
3 20,000,000 20,000,000 0 1d N / A N / A 500 SEE BELOW
( R ) TOXIC WEAPONS HANDLING : Level Description
1 Applies Corrosion ( CORROSION STATUS EFFECT : Casues all affectd Targets to recieve an Increase in Damage Taken from all sources for the duration of the effect. • Corrosion also causes its own Time Released Damage over the duration of the effect. ) Status Effect    Corrodes for 5 Seconds
2 Applies Corrosion ( CORROSION STATUS EFFECT : Casues all affectd Targets to recieve an Increase in Damage Taken from all sources for the duration of the effect. • Corrosion also causes its own Time Released Damage over the duration of the effect. ) Status Effect    Corrodes for 10 Seconds
3 Applies Corrosion ( CORROSION STATUS EFFECT : Casues all affectd Targets to recieve an Increase in Damage Taken from all sources for the duration of the effect. • Corrosion also causes its own Time Released Damage over the duration of the effect. ) Status Effect    Corrodes for 15 Seconds