Template:Flashbang Payload

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859 FLASHBANG PAYLOAD ( Limited Tech ) : Increases Damage & Adds Stun Effect ( Edit )
Concussion-ICON.png  Status Effect Weapon : Concussion  Concussion-ICON.png
RESTRICTED AVAILABILITY : See History of Availability For More Information
Techicon-Flashbang Payload.png
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Workshop
Equip Cost / Unit Capacity Used Description
Metal Oil Thorium Metal / Oil Thor
1 N / A N / A N / A N / A 5 N / A N / A 500 SEE BELOW
FLASHBANG PAYLOAD : Level Description
1 + 10% Damage To All    Adds Giant Concussion ( CONCUSSION STATUS EFFECT : Renders all affected targets unable to Move or Fire Weapons for the duration of the Effect. ) Status Effect