User blog:MPV/Range from Turrets

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Summary of the Range from Turrets

Range from Turrets

Turret Level Range Each Turret Type Vs Level
Machine Laser Shock Hellfire Cryo Napalm Plasma Mortar Rocket Flak
1 305 315 350 387 355 355 355 364 400 320
2 315 335 375 400 379 379 379 394 411 330
3 325 365 400 425 410 410 410 426 461 340
4 335 385 425 450 443 443 443 461 511 350
5 345 410 450 468 479 479 479 498 548 360
Image Turret-MachineGun-120px.png Turret-Laser-120px.png Turret-Shock-120px.png Turret-Hellfire-120px.png Turret-Cryo-120px.png File:Turret-Napalm-120px.png Turret-Plasma-120px.png Turret-Mortar-120px.png Turret-Rocket-120px.png