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      Class      Upgrade Building Production Method Related Info
Turret Defense Lab Dozer Defense Platform

Turret Range Comparison

Turret Level Turret Range Comparison Per Turret Level
Air Defense Air and Ground Defense Ground Defense
Flak AA Plasma AA Ion Flame Storm Avalanche Micro- wave Blitz Machine Gun Flood Ion Laser Shock Hellfire Cryo Napalm Plasma Mortar Rocket
1 320 400 400 400 361 400 700 361 305 361 400 315 350 387 355 400 355 364 400
2 330 425 425 425 411 425 700 411 315 411 425 335 375 400 379 425 379 394 411
3 340 450 450 450 461 450 700 461 325 461 450 365 400 425 410 450 410 426 461
4 350 475 475 475 511 475 700 511 335 511 475 385 425 450 443 475 443 461 511
5 360 500 500 500 561 500 700 548 345 561 500 410 450 468 479 500 479 498 548
6 400 525 525 525 611 525 700 600 380 611 525 410 450 468 479 525 479 498 548
7 400 550 550 550 661 550 700 600 380 661 550 410 450 468 479 550 479 498 548
8 460 600 600 600 700 600 700 660 440 700 600 470 510 520 540 600 530 550 610
9 600 600 700 600 660 700 550 550 600 600
Image FlackTurret-Lv (8).jpg AA-PlasmaTurret-120px.png AA Ion turret lvl8.jpg FlameCannon-Lv8.jpg File:Storm-Turret-Lv8-85px.png Avalanche-Lv8.png MicrowaveTurret-Lv8.png Blitz-Lv8.png MachingGunTurret-Lv8(80px).png Flood-Turret-Lv8-85px.png 80px-Ion turret lvl8.jpg LaserTurret-Lv8-80px.png ShockTurret-Lv8(80px).png HellfireTurret(Lv8)-80px.png CryoTurret-Lv8-80px.png NapalmTurret-Lv8(120px).png PlasmaTurret-Lv8-80px.png Motar-Lv8.png RocketBarrageTurret-Lv8-85px.png


Level 7 Turrets are out in full force! Which Turret will you upgrade first, Commander?
  — R.U.B.I. 

Additional Facts


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  • Why was a range change was made to turrets, but not with v6 units?.
    • Offensive and defensive power had fallen far out of proportion. End game squads (the ones that will realistically be going up against level 8 turrets) are a lot more powerful than they were a year ago. Giving base defenses a little more range helps even out this power gap. - AMA with WC Design Team ( Aug 26, 2014 )
  • Are there any plans to reverse the changes to the range of defense towers (Purple Tier), due to the total removal of all range strategy this has brought?
    • I do not agree with your premise (that range strategy has been removed). If by strategy you mean “my units outrange the base and do free damage” then … no. - AMA with WC Design Team ( Aug 26, 2014 )
  • Can we expect customizable turrets some day?

Animated Photo's

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Known Issues

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Listed here are bugs that have been identified with this Unit or Feature. Once fixed each issue will be moved to Resolved.

Existing Known Bugs :

Resolved Bugs :

  • Turrets no longer receive a 20% range bonus against air units; this is now applied only to ground units.
  • 8th November - The Plasma and Rocket Barrage turrets have been improved and Kixeye've fixed the DPS and Rate of Fire display on all turrets.
  • When setting Turrets two timers appear in the build information. - 09/23

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