Gun Turret

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This sentry destroys attacking enemy forces. Upgrade the Machine Gun to improve its range, damage, and health.
  — In-game description 

Very effective against infantry, lightly armored vehicles and air units.

After the 16 of August update, you can now build up to 8 turrets at command center level 5.

Upgrade Progression

Structure Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade Time Repair Time Power Usage Range Damage HEALTH Command Center Level
Metal Oil
1 850 425 1m N/A(<5 mins) 10 300 800 DPS 1
2 6,000 8,000 5m 29 305 920 DPS
3 15,600 20,800 15m 52 310 1,060 DPS
4 40,560 54,080 30m 80 315 1,220 DPS 2
5 105,456 140,608 1h 112 320 1400 DPS 3
6 247,186 365,581 2h 147 325 1620 DPS 3
7 712,884 950,511 4h 2 hrs 186 330 1860 DPS 3
8 1,853,498 2,471,329 8h 1day 5d 227 335 2140 DPS 4
9 4,810,095 6,425,455


51 mins 270 340 2460 DPS 5
10 12,529,647 16,706,183 1d 8h 1H 317 345 2820 DPS 106,960 5

Total Time: 2d, 12h, 51m

Total Metal: 20,321,776

Total Oil: 27,142,972

States of Repair

Normal Destroyed
360 gt.gif
100% to 1% Health 0% Health

Fun Facts

Machine Gun never miss their target when they shoot.

When attacking using Hellfire, Machine Guns (and other AA units) prioritize the missile more than aircraft, thus enabling the aircraft some time to attacks except for thunderbolts (Machine Gun baiting).

Below are the priority targets of the Gun Turret, from the highest (0) to lowest (6):



3.Other air units

4.Hellfire's missiles

5. Vehicles

6. Infantry

Further Notes

  • With a new update, Machine Guns now displays muzzle flash from both of its barrels when it attacks, although it fires only a single stream of bullets instead of two.
  • Machine Guns can be outranged by units (depending on unit level) such as Razorbacks, Paladin Tanks, Challenger Tanks, Hellfire tanks, Mega tanks, and Snipers.
  • Gun turrets stand no chance against heavily armored troops, such as paladins, challengers and mega tanks.