Category:WC History

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Hey guys, I'm LarsB (you might know me as the co-creator of WC Tech or that guy that used to post a lot on the forum). I've played this game for a long time, since October/November 2011, only 2 or 3 months after the game went in open beta. In this page I'm going to try and write down the history of WC. 

The Beginning

When WC first went in open beta, many of the features and units we have today were not in the game yet. There were few players higher than lvl 30. We did not have a world map, but we had a list of rogue factions and enemies we could attack. The units we had on our base were the only units we had, we used them for both offense as defense. If the units were killed, you needed to build a new unit, there was no repairing of dead nits yet. But we did have the Tech and Medic unit that were able to repair or heal damaged Vehicles and Infantry to full health in a few seconds, even while in battle. 

For base defense, we only had Gun Turrets and Mortar Towers. The tactic was to lure out all the units that were not on stand ground and kill them with Copters or Tanks, then destroy ('snipe') all the Mortar Towers with your non-fixed wing units and then send in your tanks to destroy the Gun Turrets and remaining buiildings. 345 Was the magic range that units could outrange Gun Turrets, a range which back then only Lvl 3+ Razorbacks , Lvl 6+ Paladins , Lvl 6+ Challengers and Lvl 6+ Mega Tanks had. You also needed maximum range Copters to be able to destroy Mortar Turrets without getting hit by nearby Gun Turrets (we couldn't outrange those with air yet back then). 

People slowly started to get aware of this tactic and were changing their base to defend to that. At first they did by defending their Mortar Towers by putting an AA units next to it (Humvees or Hercules ) and by defending their Gun Turrets by putting Tanks next it. This was a big problem, since every succesive tank was better than the previous one, especially because of range (Paladins had max. 351 range, Challengers had max. 363 range and Mega Tanks had max. 375 range). If people put Mega Tanks on their Gun Turrets, there was almost no way to beat them except by outranging them with Razorbacks, althuogh they had pathetic damage and it took ages to destroy bases with them. Putting your turrets in a few straight lines also prevented Air Units sniping the Mortar Towers. But tactical players quickly found a tactic to beat Mortar Towers. The tactic used the AI of the Mortar Towers to its advantage: Mortar Towers targetted the first unit to get in their range and kept targetting until it was dead or out of range. So people sent in a Rifleman first so the Mortar Tower would target that, and then start running around with the Rifleman dodging the Mortar volleys while the tanks destroyed the Mortar Tower. They called it 'Mortar Baiting' and it was the single most important tactic in base attacks. 

To counter mortar baiting, people started to change their base, putting their Gun Turrets and Mortar Towers in pairs with the Mortar Tower behind the Gun Turret. This gave Mortar Baiters less margin of error. But the biggest defense was the use of the recently introduced Sniper Unit and the Bunker . If you placed your bunkers well and placed some snipers well, you could kill Riflemen easily, preventing them from baiting the Mortars, and from sweeping the mines of the also recently introduced Mine Factory

New Repair System

On December 21st Kixeye released a big, game-changing update: Persistent Vehicles. This update removed the Tech and Medic unit from the game, to replace them with a completely new repair system. The Tech and Medic were overpowered because they could repair/heal near-dead units to full health in a matter of seconds. Another important feature of this update was the fact that dead vehicles were not lost anymore, but could be repaired. The new repair system featured a repair queue you could add damaged units to so they would get repaired. The repair times were higher than before, which pissed many people off. But it was a change for the better since skilled players would have the advantage, and spammers were punished with high repair times. 

A month later the very first WC event went live: Operation Rogue Assault . In this event you had to defend your base against 25 waves of enemy units in order to win the first new unit since the Sniper: the Gatling Truck . You could try 5 more bonus waves to win the Elite Gatling Truck , which back then was nothing more but a fancy paint job. The Gatling Tuck was like a vehicle form of the Hercules with slightly better stats, so everyone was replacing their Hercs with them.

One month later, we had Operation Red Storm . It was not the hardest event ever, but in my opinion, it was one of the most enjoyable. In the event you had to destroy 25 consecutive Sickle Syndicate bases to win the new Laser Tank . You could try one more giant bonus base for the Elite Laser Tank, which was again only a fancy paint job. The Laser Tank was the perfect unit for skilled players, since it had more range than Mega Tanks and did more damage. But the Laser Tank had very low health, so it died from 1 mine or 1 tank shot, meaning it was not a good unit for spammers. Since it had more range than the Mega Tank, tactical players used it to snipe enemy stand-ground Mega Tanks. But the range difference was so little, that at certain angles a Mega could still fire back.

A New Era

A New Era arrived in WC when kixeye released the biggest update in WC history: The World Map. Finally the boring list was replaced by an all new world map. We got a Storage building we could put units in, which we could use to create and deploy platoons on the world map. Besides using those platoons to attack Player and Rogue Bases, we could now attack the all new Resource Deposits too. The new system favored spammers more since we could have dozens of tanks to send at a target, but they would still be left with enormous repair times. 

High level players created enormous Deposit empires on the map. I was no exclusion from this, I owned around 100 deposits. But kixeye decided to stir things up and the easiest event to date went live: Operation Warhawk. The objective of this event was to capture as many player deposits as possible, with one exception that you would only get xp for each deposit once. Alliance leaders opened up their depos for the other members and then took them back again, resulting in xp wins for all players within the alliance. Another tactic was roaming the map, taking every tiny and small depos you ame across without damage. Many players were able to win all three prizes. Almost every single player won the Attack Dog, a unit designed to counter mines. The Warhawk and its Elite version were won by many people as well. The Warhawk was so muh better than the Copter Drone and theCobra, so it immediately became the main air unit for every player that won it. It's unbelievable now, but back then the Warhawk was considered overpowered by many. 

Not long after the event kixeye released the advanced platoon system, which allowed you to form platoons in your base, name them and keep the permanent in your storage until you disbanded them. This update also meant platoons needed to be repaired individually instead of adding the units to a repair queue. This specific change made many people quit. 

Around this time, Operation Rogue Assault was re-run for the people that didn't have the Gatling Truck yet. 1 Month later a whole new event went live: Operation Hellfire . At that time it was the hardest event yet, but the prize was more than worth it: The Hellfire and Elite Hellfire. Their range changed attacing completely and all tactical players switched to this devastating unit since it was so much better than the razorback in every aspect. People started designing bases with enormous amounts of AA units to stop the missiles, since lvl 10 Mortars were the only units that ould hit the Hellfires, but putting them out too far would make them baitable. 

A minor change around this time was the fact that the Elite Gatling Truck and Elite Laser Tank got a noticable advancement over the regular version. Another update in the beginning of August was the fact that Aircraft became persistent too, allowing you to repair damaged air units. 

In the end of August, another really hard event went live: Operation Red Sky. The objective of this event was to attack bases that were defended by air units. The more xp you got, the stronger and the more air units defended the bases. The main new prize of the event was the Kondor, a bomber you just send in and can not control. It's needless to say only the biggest of spammers and coiners used this unit. The biggest change Operation Red Sky brought was the Event store. For the first time you were able to spend your xp to acquire any of the past event prizes (except the Hellfire and Elite Hellfire since they were released the event before this). 

The release of the Kondor meant an enormous change in base defense. The Kondor is programmed to always take a flight path that brings it over the enemy's CC, which resulted in players putting their CC as far away from their core as possible. 

The September event, Operation Rolling Thunder, introduced the much needed counter to the Kondor: the Flak Tank . Although the Flak Tank had increased damage to the Kondor and was a good counter to an overpowered unit, its splash made it overpowered to all helicopters. Another unit that was introduced this event was the Honey Badger. It was a very funny unit and the idea was good, but I don't believe it is ever really used seriously by players. 

Live Action and Dynamic Turrets

The beginning of October brought another huge update: Live Battles. Although this change brought along many many bugs, even bugs that are still in the game today, it made attacking and defending more enjoyable. It was not really balanced but at least it gave us the chance to defend our base when it was under attack. 

Exactly a week later kixeye released a maybe bigger update, one that changed attacking and defending for ever: Dynamic Turrets. For the first time we could defend our base with other defense towers than Gun Turrets and Mortar Towers. In my opinion this has been one of the best updates to date. It made base defense and attack so more enjoable and it also made both sides much more tactical. New base layouts appaered, but the important thing is that there were so many different layouts. Before, many bases looked like each other since there were only a few layouts that were really good. Dynamic Turrets gave much more options in base defense, so no base looked alike. This update was followed by a new event: Operation Undead Harvest . It was base defense event, but we weren't fighting regular units, but a new type of enemy: Zombies. Since they had no range it wasn't hard to kill them with long range splash weapons like Laser Tanks or Flamethrowers, but their enormous number did form a problem from time to time. The prizes this event were 2 new dynamic turrets: the Plasma Cannon and the Rocket Barrage Tower. After the event it turned out that the Plasma Cannon was a really strong weapon, and the RBT was a big disappointment. So after the event, the Plasma Cannon became a regular sight in enemy bases. 

Half November kixeye released another Dynamic Turret to all: the Laser Tower. The combination of long enough range to hit tanks, high damage and large splash damage made it the perfect turret to stop tank spamming. From that day on the best bases were made by alternating Plasmas (to counter Hellfires) and Laser Towers (to counter tank spam). And this stayed like that for a long time. 

Another update that boosted Base Defense was Level 6 Command Center. This allowed for more Turrets, and therefore better Base Defense. To balance out this boost for base defense, kixeye released lvl 9 units. 

The start of December gave us Operation Shockwave. The objective of this event was to attack Rogue Bases that were defended by a constant stream of infantry coming from the Barracks. The more xp you had, the better the infantry was that was spawned. It was the easiest event in the history of WC. Many players used this event to catch up on event prizes because it was so easy. The new prizes introduced in this event had something no other unit had before: a status effect. The Shock Trooper, Shock Tank and Shock Turret were all able to stun vehicles for a period of time, something totally new in WC. But back then the Shock Tank was nothing more than a Shock Trooper that occupied more space, so no one used it. The Shock Turret only had 450 range, not enough to hit Hellfires, so no one used that turret either, because Hellfires were the most used base attack unit. 

After Operation Shockwave kixeye released, for the first time since the Sniper, a unit to everyone (so not an event prize). It was the Suicide Truck, the vehicle form of the Suicide Bomber. But because no one really used the Suicide Bomber a lot in the first place, and the Suicide Truck was even less versatile, the Suicide Truck was a big fail. But on that same day, kixeye did also release some very good units. But to get them you have to attack a series of extra hard rogue factions. The first unit you could win was the Colossus. An infantry unit with an enormous amount of health and extra resistance to explosive weapons. People that used Mortar Baiting found in tis unit a very useful role: Place them in range of Mortars or RBTs and let them take all the damage. This unit made Mortar Baiting so much easier because you didn't have to move the unit around anymore. The Colossus could take so many volleys that you could just let it stand there. The second unit you could get was the Havoc. At first no one really liked it, but over time it has proven itself as a very useful unit to protect your other aircraft with. The last unit you could get was the mighty Behemoth. At first just a vehicle form of the Colossus, but after a few tweaks it became an important rival of the Mega Tank. 

January was the month the bunkers got a complete overhaul. Firstly kixeye improved the way bunkers work. Secondly they changed the Rocket Launcher unit into the more effective Mortar Team and lastly the added the Watchtower and the Stronghold. The Stronghold was good against tank spam, but the Watchtower was good against air units. But because the Watchtower gave a higher range boost, it became the best Bunker to counter Hellfires, since Mortar Teams and Shock Troopers are able to outrange Hellfires when they are placed in a Watchtower. 

This bunker change was followed by a new defensive event: Operation Hellstorm. This was the first time a new unit and its counter were released in the same event. The Hellstorm that was released, a helicopter form of the Hellfire, is still one of the most important air units in War Commander. Its counter the Stinger really fucked up attacking. It made the mightiest base attack unit, the Hellfire, weak. If a base had enough Stingers, using Hellfires would be useless. 


More Coming Soon!