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InfoIcons   Graphic Icons

This page is a list of ICONS to be used on content pages.

Status Effects Icons

CONCUSSION STATUS EFFECT : Renders all affected targets unable to Move or Fire Weapons for the duration of the Effect.  CORROSION STATUS EFFECT : Casues all affectd Targets to recieve an Increase in Damage Taken from all sources for the duration of the effect. • Corrosion also causes its own Time Released Damage over the duration of the effect.  CRYO STATUS EFFECT : Affected Targets experience a Decreases in Movement Speed for the duration of the Effect. • No direct Damage to the Target is caused by this Effect itself.  NAPALM STATUS EFFECT : Affected targets recieve a Time Released Damage over the duration of the Effect.  PLAGUE STATUS EFFECT : Affected Buildings produce NPC Zombies as Last Stand Defenders which fight for the Attacker. • Affected Infantry & Vehicles will aslo produce a single Zombie which will also fight for the Attacker.  SHOCK STATUS EFFECT : Renders all affected targets unable to Move or Fire Weapons for the duration of the Effect.  TURNCOAT STATUS EFFECT: Causes all affected Units to turn and attack non-affected allied units for the duration of the effect. • Turncoat itself causes NO damage to affected units, however, any damage they take while the unit is under the influence of Turncoat is equally shared with the unit which applied the effect to them.

Invulnerability Shields

Link = Invulnerability Shield  Link=Invulnerability Shield   Link=Invulnerability Shield   Link=Invulnerability Shield


Influence Buffed  Radar Jammer


Metal  Oil  Thorium  Medals

Special Event Bases

No Air Units   No Ground Units   Fortress   Defense   Target Base   Jammer Base   Rush Base   Rush Base

Combat Controls

Fight at Will  Stand Ground  Target Command  Artillery Target   Move Command   Stop Command       Fight at Will      RUBI-ICON-(60px).PNG  RUBI-ICON-(30px).png

Land Mines

IED   Flatiron   Claymore   Bouncing Betty   Shape Charge

Platoon Manager

Ground Platoon   Aircraft Platoon   Helicopter Platoon   Base Defenders Platoon   Deposit Gurad Platoon   Platoon Scouting World Map   Dead Platoon


Special Forces   Shadow Ops   Infamy   Low Power   Gold  Bookmark   Add Bookmark   Advanced Missions   VXP-ICON.pngChallengeBase-Logo-ICON.png  HIGHWAY ZEALOT KILLER - This unit does extra damage against Highway Zealots with Iridium armor. ( Iridium Weapon Category )

Event XP

Bonus XP Awarded   Bonus XP Awarded

Tech Icons

Limited Tech Equipped   Tactical Tech

Health Icons

Heal Unit   Repair Unit   Dead or Destroyed Unit

Base Icons

Boss Base   Mini-Boss Base   Verkraft Lv50 Thorium Compound  Challenge Base   Arctic Challenge Base   Ryu-Kai-75Base-Mini-MapICON.png  TitanInvasion-Inferno-Mini-MapICON.png  TitanInvasion-Nova-Mini-MapICON.png  TitanInvasion-Reaper-Mini-MapICON.png

Pages in category "Icons"

The following 171 pages are in this category, out of 171 total.

Media in category "Icons"

The following 34 files are in this category, out of 34 total.