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BUILDING DESCRIPTION The Barracks main function is the Producing and Dismissing of all Infantry Units. Barracks(Main).png
EFFECTS OF UPGRADE Upgrading the Barracks reduces the time it takes to Produce and Repair Infantry Units & the TEX cost of Infantry Token Crafting.
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Upgrade Progression

Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade
Infantry Time Reductions TEX
War Prod. Unlocking
Metal Oil Production Repair
1 N / A N / A N / A 1 0% 0% - 2 -
2 5,800 2,320 8m 1 5% 5% - 4 -
3 16,000 6,400 31m 2 10% 10% - 6 -
4 44,000 17,600 1h 34m 2 15% 15% - 8 -
5 121,000 48,400 3h 36m 3 20% 20% - 10 -
6 334,000 133,600 6h 58m 3 25% 25% - 12 -
7 920,000 368,000 12h 4 30% 30% - 14 -
8 2,500,000 1,000,000 12h 4 35% 35% - 16 -
9 7,000,000 2,800,000 12h 5 40% 40% - 18 -
10 19,000,000 7,600,000 12h 5 45% 45% - 20 -
11 150,000,000 150,000,000 12h 13 46% 46% - 24 -
12 187,500,000 187,500,000 12h 13 47% 47% - 28 -
13 225,000,000 225,000,000 12h 13 48% 48% - 32 -
14 300,000,000 300,000,000 12h 13 49% 49% - 36 -
15 356,250,000 356,250,000 12h 13 50% 50% - 40 -
16 500,000,000 500,000,000 12h 14 51% 51% - 40 Liberator-85px.png
17 525,000,000 525,000,000 12h 14 52% 52% - 40 Acolyte-85px.png
18 550,000,000 500,000,000 12h 14 53% 53% - 40 SpartanZK-85px.png
19 575,000,000 550,000,000 1d 6h 14 54% 54% - 40 Detonator-85px.png •WarDog-85px.png
20 600,000,000 600,000,000 2d 14 55% 55% - 40 Chaplain-85px.pngBreacher-85px.pngDrakon-85px.png
21 625,000,000 625,000,000 2d 18h 15 55% 55% - 40 Cerberus-85px.png
22 650,000,000 650,000,000 3d 12h 15 55% 55% - 40 Sharpshooter-85px.png
23 675,000,000 675,000,000 4d 6h 15 55% 55% - 40 Sentry-85px.png
24 700,000,000 700,000,000 5d 16 55% 55% - 40 Artemis-85px.pngBuzzsaw-85px.pngSeraph-85px.png
Total 6,648,690,800 6,630,726,320 29d 18h 47m All above Time Reductions & Discounts apply to Infantry Only.

Upgrade Experience (XP)

Experience Points Awarded per Upgrade Level  ( T )
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
N / A 1,241 3,367 8,970 25,957 48,609 182,875 478,802 1,348,724 3,669,958
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20
? ? ? ? ? 142,510,800 200,010,800 210,010,800 220,027,000 230,043,200
Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 Level 25 Total Experience Points = ? xp
? ? ? 275,098,280 N / A
For More information on this see Experience Points.

Appearance Progression

Barracks Appearance Progression
Barracks1.png Barracks2.png Barracks3.png Barracks4.png Barracks5.png
Barracks6.png Barracks7.png Barracks8.png Barracks9.png Barracks10.png
LEVEL 15 LEVEL 16 - 24
Barracks15.png Barracks16.png

States of Repair

Click Expand to View This Section

Barracks Damaged Appearance
49% to 1% Health 0% Health 49% to 1% Health 0% Health
Barracks1.damaged.png Barracks1.destroyed.png Barracks2.damaged.png Barracks2.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec Total Repair Time : 30 sec
49% to 1% Health 0% Health 49% to 1% Health 0% Health
Barracks3.damaged.png Barracks3.destroyed.png Barracks4.damaged.png Barracks4.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec Total Repair Time : 30 sec
49% to 1% Health 0% Health 49% to 1% Health 0% Health
Barracks5.damaged.png Barracks5.destroyed.png Barracks6.damaged.png Barracks6.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec Total Repair Time : 30 sec
49% to 1% Health 0% Health 49% to 1% Health 0% Health
Barracks7.damaged.png Barracks7.destroyed.png Barracks8.damaged.png Barracks8.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec Total Repair Time : 30 sec
LEVEL 9 LEVELS 10 to 14
49% to 1% Health 0% Health 49% to 1% Health 0% Health
Barracks9.damaged.png Barracks9.destroyed.png Barracks10.damaged.png Barracks10.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec Total Repair Time : 30 sec
LEVEL 15 LEVELS 16 to 23
49% to 1% Health 0% Health 49% to 1% Health 0% Health
Barracks15.damaged.png Barracks15.destroyed.png File:Barracks16.damaged.png File:Barracks16.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec Total Repair Time : 30 sec

Building Function

Infantry Unit Training

The Barracks is where the creation and removal of Infantry Units is preformed. It also gives vital information about each Infantry Unit available to the Commander.

  1. Unit Availability - Shows the available Units for Training. It also show the number of each that currently are not in a Platoon or Defending the Base.
  2. Unit Info - Shows vital info about each Unit Type: Production Cost & Time, Stats and Space required.
  3. Overall Land & Vehicle Capacity - Show the total Used & Available space for adding Units. Space Available is determined by the Storage Building.
  4. Unit Training - Show the Time remaining on the current Unit being trained and the production order of the units waiting to be trained.
  5. Barracks Level - Shows current level of the barracks and the Unit Training (build) and Repair Time Bonus for that level. Also gives the same info for the Next Level if applicable.

Infantry Unit Dismissal

The Barracks is also where the Commander may dismiss any Infantry Unit that is not in a Platoon or Defending the Base to free up space for alternative Units both Infantry and Land Vehicles.

Infantry Unit Repair

The Barracks Level determines the percentage of Repair and Build Time reduction for all Infantry Units. Example: Fifty-Five Level Riflemen takes 2m 45s to repair with a Level 1 Barracks. The same Units with a Barracks Level 10 only take 1m 31s to repair due to the 45% reduction in Repair Times afforded to that Level of Barracks.


Unfortunately, although being set by the Barracks, Repair time info is not found there nor is that where the actual Repairs take place. Repairs take place in the Platoon Main Panel and is where the above info is taken from.

War Production

War Production is the ability to produce and spawn spacific units to aid in Defense while the base is under attack.

    • War Production becomes available at Level 16 of the Barracks.
    • The Infantry available for War Produciton are determined by the current level of the production building.
      • Up to 11 different Infantry may be unlocked for War Produciton.
      • Players may choose one Infantry at a time from any of the previously Unlocked Infantry.
    • Each Infantry will spawn at the Same Level the player has that unit upgraded too.
      • If an Infantry has yet to be unlokced by the player it will spawn at Level 1.
    • Upon the start of an attack on the a player base the Barracks will begin War Produciton.
      • One instance of the previously selected Infantry is produced every ? seconds.
      • Once an Infantry has spawned it is initially set to Fire at Will and will attack the closest enemy unit.
        • However, Infantry may be selected and fully controlled by the player at any time.
      • The Barracks will continuously produce a new Infantry at a set intervals until the Barracks is destroyed.
      • The Barracks will stop producing any new Infantry when the Maximum amount of 30 Units is present and alive.
    • The War Production interface is accessable via the Barracks's "Left-Click" Menu.
    • The War Prodciton interface allows for the following :
      • The viewing of all available Infantry both Unlocked and Locked.
      • The viewing of stats for all available Unlocked Infantry.
      • The selecting of an Infantry for War Produciton.
      • The compairing of stats between the currenlty selected Infantry and other unlocked ones.
      • The disabling of War Production.

Template:War Production Pictures - Barracks

Related Missions

Training Day MissionIcon-TrainingDay.png Train 5 units of any kind 3,000 3,000 X X
Some Missions May Not Be Available Until The Completion Of Others.

Update History

Listed in Reverse Chronological Order -- Click [ Expand ] to View Earliest Updates

  • No Further Updates.

Additional Info

  • The Barracks houses all Infantry Units not in a Platoon or on Base Defense.
  • The Barracks can not be accessed while Damaged.
  • The Barracks pauses all Infantry Unit Training while Damaged or being Upgraded.


  • The Barracks is one of the Original 7 Structures that are per-existing on the Player's Base when a starting War Commander
  • The Barracks use the same image for levels 16 through 20.
  • The Barracks has a Structure Footprint of 6 x 6.
  • Building Pixel Sheet Code : 29

Firsts & Records

  • War Commander Records :
    • The only Building with a different appearance ( Artwork ) for the first ten Upgrade Levels - Barracks


Infantry units get produced faster and they're hungrier than ever for a kill.
  — Level 10 Upgrades posted on Facebook 

Related Pages

  • Token Crafting
  • TEX
  • War Porduciton

External Links


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Gallery - Historical

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