Template:Buildings Table - War Trophies

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Cerberus Trophy BattleTrophy3.png Operation: Cerberus Trophy
Cerberus 2 Trophy Cerberus2-Trophy-HeaderPic.png Operation: Cerberus 2 Trophy
Iron March Trophy IronMarch-Trophy-HeaderPic.png Operation: Iron March Trophy
Iron Reign Trophy IronReign-Trophy-HeaderPic.png Operation: Iron Reign Trophy
Iron Lord Trophy IronLord-Trophy-HeaderPic.png Operation: Iron Lord Trophy
Undead Swarm Trophy UndeadSwarm-Trophy-HeaderPic.png Operation: Undead Swarm Trophy
Dragon's Oath Trophy DragonsOath-TrophyBanner-LargePic.png Operation: Dragon's Oath Trophy
Operation: Inferno War Trophy Inferno-TrophyBanner-LargePic.png Operation: Inferno Trophy
Operation: Afterburn Trophy Afterburn-Trophy-LargePic-NoShadow.png Operation: Afterburn Trophy
Scorched Earth Trophy ScorchedEarth-TrophyBanner-LargePic.png Operation: Scorched Earth Trophy
Genesis War Trophy Genesis-Trophy-(NoShadow).png Genesis Trophy
Covenant War Trophy CovenantTrophy(NoShadow)-LargePic.png Covenant Trophy
Revelation War Trophy RevelationWarTrophy-LargePic.png Revelation Trophy
Rapture Trophy RaptureTrophy-TinyPic.png Rapture Trophy
Nighthawk Down NighthawkTrophy-TinyPic.png Operation: Nighthawk Trophy
Target Practice TargetPractice-TinyPic.png Operation: Nightmare Trophy
No Stone Unturned NoStoneUnturned-TinyPic.png Operation: Nightfall Trophy
Night's End War Trophy NightsEndWarTrophy.png Operation: Night's End Trophy
Golden Spoils War Trophy GoldenSpoilsWarTrophy-LargePic.png Operation: Wildfire Trophy
X-Missed Miracle X-MissedMiracle-Animated.gif Operation: Frostbite Trophy
Aftermath War Trophy AftermathWarTrophy-LargePic.png Operation: Aftermath Trophy
Inferno Totem InfernoTotem-LargePic.png Operation: Remnants Trophy
Volatiles Container VolatilesContainer-LargePic.png Operation: Descent Trophy
Broken Dreams War Trophy BrokenDreamsWarTrophy.png Operation: Isolation Trophy
The Big Five O BigFiveO-MainPic.png Operation: Retribution Trophy
Golden God GoldenGod-LargePic.png Operation: Omega Trophy
Drone Mobile DroneMobile-MainPic.png Operation: Stormfront Trophy
Titan's Fall Titan'sFall-LargePic.png Operation: Dogs of War Trophy
Death From Above DeathFromAbove-MainPic.png Operation: Death From Above Trophy
Death From Below DeathFromBelow-MainPic.png Operation: Death From Below Trophy
Nightmare From Below DeathFromBelow-MainPic.png Nightmare: Death From Below Trophy
Unholy Alliance UnholyAlliance-MainPic.png Operation: Unholy Alliance Trophy
The Righteous TheRighteous-MainPic.png Operation: The Righteous Ones Trophy
Brother's Wrath Brother'sWrath-MainPic.png Operation: Brother's Wrath Trophy
The New Age TheNewAge-MainPic.png Operation: The New Age Trophy
Roadkill Roadkill-MainPic.png Operation: Roadkill Trophy
Smoke and Mirrors SmokeAndMirrors-MainPic.png Operation: Smoke and Mirrors Trophy
The Greater Good TheGreaterGood-MainPic.png Operation: The Greater Good Trophy
Into Chaos IntoChaos-MainPic.png Operation: Into Chaos Trophy
Nightmare Into Chaos NightmareIntoChaos-MainPic.png Nightmare: Into Chaos Trophy
True Believers Trophy TrueBelieversTrophy-MainPic.png Operation: True Believers Trophy
Blind Faith BlindFaith-MainPic.png Operation: Blind Faith Trophy
The Divide TheDivide-MainPic.png Operation: The Divide Trophy
Resurrection Resurrection-MainPic.png Operation: Resurrection Trophy
Nightmare Resurrection NightmareReserection-MainPic.png Nightmare: Resurrection Trophy
Thorium Rush ThoriumRush-MainPic.png Operation: Thorium Rush Trophy
Espionage Espionage-MainPic.png Operation: Espionage Trophy
Thorium Heart ThoriumHeart-MainPic.png Operation: The Source of Power Trophy
The Road To Hell RoadtoHell-MainPic.png Operation: The Road to Hell Trophy
Dreams Of The Machine God DreamsOfTheMachineGod-MainPic.png Operation: Dreams of the Machine God Trophy
Sins of Our Fathers SinsOfOurFathers-MainPic.png Operation: Sins of Our Fathers Trophy
Source Code SourceCode-MainPic.png Operation: Source Code Trophy
Deus Ex Machina DeusExMachina-MainPic.png Operation: Deus Ex Machina Trophy
Rising Sun RisingSun-MainPic.png Operation: Rising Sun Trophy
Heatwave Heatwave-MainPic.png Operation: Heatwave Trophy
Meltdown Meltdown-MainPic.png Operation: Meltdown Trophy
Burning Dead BurningDead-MainPic.png Operation: Burning Dead Trophy
Nightmare Burning Dead NightmareBurningDead-MainPic.png Nightmare: Burning Dead Trophy
Wargames Wargames-MainPic.png Operation: Wargames Trophy
Red Exodus RedExodus-MainPic.png Operation: Red Exodus Trophy
Metamorphosis Metamorphosis-MainPic.png Operation: Metamorphosis Trophy
Red Revelation RedRevelation-MainPic.png Operation: Red Revelation Trophy
Righteous Return RighteousReturn-MainPic.png Operation: Righteous Return Trophy
Great Awakening GreatAwakening-MainPic.png Operation: Great Awakening Trophy
Deliverance Deliverance-MainPic.png Operation: Deliverance Trophy
Final Reckoning FinalReckoning-MainPic.png Operation: Final Reckoning Trophy
Faithful Resolve FaithfulResolve-MainPic.png Operation: Final Reckoning Trophy
Wargames 2 WarGames2-MainPic.png Operation: Wargames 2 Trophy
Solitude ( Corpus ) Solitude(Corpus)-MainPic.png Operation: Solitude Trophy
Solitude ( Sentinels ) Solitude(Sentinels)-MainPic.png Operation: Solitude Trophy
Solitude ( Survivors ) Solitude(Survivors)-MainPic.png Operation: Solitude Trophy
Shattered Alliance ( Corpus ) ShatteredAlliance(Corpus)-MainPic.png Operation: Shattered Alliance Trophy
Shattered Alliance ( Sentinels ) ShatteredAlliance(Sentinels)-MainPic.png Operation: Shattered Alliance Trophy
Shattered Alliance ( Survivors ) ShatteredAlliance(Survivors)-MainPic.png Operation: Shattered Alliance Trophy
Dead Fall DeadFall-MainPic.png Operation: Dead Fall Trophy
Nightmare Dead Fall NightmareDeadFall-MainPic.png Nightmare: Dead Fall Trophy
War of Shadows WarOfShadows-MainPic.png Operation: War of Shadows Trophy
Smoke and Shadow SmokeAndShadow-MainPic.png Operation: Smoke and Shadow Trophy
Agents of Chaos AgentsOfChaos-MainPic.png Operation: Agents of Chaos Trophy