Operation: Nighthawk

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TierBonus-ICON.PNG   SPECIAL EVENT # 40   TierBonus-ICON.PNG
<< Rapture SPECIAL EVENT MAIN  ( T ) Operation: Nightmare >>


Operation: Nighthawk is the 40th Special Event to be presented in War Commander.
In most cases Commanders are challenged to complete increasingly more difficult objectives against one or more Rogue Factions. With the successful completion of each objective in the allotted time the Player is awarded with special Event Experience Points (eXP) which they may in turn use to unlock Special Event Prizes in the Event Shop.
The Event Format for each Special Event may vary, see below for more information.

Event Information

EVENT STARTS Jul 23, 2015

Sector Start Times

EVENT ENDS Jul 29, 2015
EVENT NUMBER 40 30 days since last Special Event
EVENT CLASS Hybrid Players Must Complete Both Attack and Defense Objectives
ANTAGONIST Corpus Commanded By :  Unknown
EVENT DURATION 6 Days Event Shop remains open for additional 48 Hours.
EVENT PROGRESSION Tiered Bracket System Repeatable ABC Tier System with 4 to 5 Objectives
eXP PAYOUTS Set Amounts eXP Awarded is Relative to Tier & Objective
BONUS eXP Yes Bonus eXP for Completing all Objectives of a Tier
PLAYER ASSISTANCE Yes Players may receive assistance on Attack Objectives.

New Event Prizes

Infiltrator ( 4 Pack ) Infiltrator-Nighthawk.png 24,000 xp Infiltrator Leader Infantry / Special Froces
Infiltrator Leader InfiltratorLeader-Nighthawk.png 44,000 xp Sniper Infantry / Special Froces
Nighthawk Down Nighthawk-WarTrophy.png 729,000 xp None War Trophy
Nitrous Injector NitrousInjector-Nighthawk.png 40,000 xp Warhorse or Hellhound Schematic Limited Tech
Compressed Magazine CompressedMagazine-LargePic.png Tier A Schematic with Utility Slot Limited Tech
Nitrous Injector NitrousInjector-LargePic.png Tier B Warhorse or Hellhound Schematic Limited Tech
Click Picture Icon above to view larger image of click Expand Below to view large gallery.

Infiltrator-Nighthawk.png Infiltrator-Limit+1-Nighthawk.png InfiltratorLeader-Nighthawk.png InfiltratorLeader-Limit+1-Nighthawk.png
Nighthawk-WarTrophy.png NitrousInjector-Nighthawk.png NitrousInjector-Limit+1-Nighthawk.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png
EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png
EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png EventStore-NewUnitBlank.png

Past Event Prizes


Nighthawk Full Prize List •  Full Event Shop Image

Event HUD

Countdown to Start Time, Wave, XP & Bonus Info USE IT OR LOSE IT

Detailed Play Information

Tiered Bracket System  Tiered-ICON-sm.png

  • ABC Tier System - Players may attempt Objectives from any or all of the 3 Tiers ( A, B, C ) available.
  • Tier Objectives - Each Tier containing 4 to 6 Objectives that must be done in order to complete that Tier. These Tier Objectives may consist of Defensive Waves or an Attack on an Event Base. The Player receives a set amount of eXP for the completion of each Objective. Each Objective of a Tier may only be done once until all Objectives of that Tier have been fully completed.
  • Tier Completion Bonus - A Tier is Complete when each one of that tier's Objectives have been successfully finished. Upon completion of a tier the Player is awarded with an additional eXP amount as a Completion Bonus.
  • Repeatable Tiers - Once any Tier has been FULLY completed it may then be restarted up to 300 Times. For each repeat of a Tier the Player will again receive the eXP for each completed Objective as well as the Completion Bonus when the Tier has once again been fully competed.
  • Simultaneous Tiers - The Player may start one or more Tiers concurrently. Objectives may be preformed from all Active Tiers in any order.
  • Active Attack Bases - The completing of an attack on an Event Base will only award eXP when that Event Base is Active and associated with an Active Tier. Active Bases are indicated by a Purple World Map Icon Base. Non-Active Bases are indicated by a Yellow World Map Icon Base.
  • Limited Attack Time - Players have a Limited Time in which to complete All Event Bases. This Time Limit is determined by the Tier Level it is associated with. The higher the Tier the shorter the Time available to achieve victory with Tier A having the shortest Time Limit. The countdown activates upon the initial attack on a base. If a base in not completed prior to the expiration of the Time Limit countdown that base will be reset back to 100% Health with all new Defending Units. The remaining time may be found on the World Map by "Mousing Over" the Event Base Icon or inside the Base during an active attack.
  • More Information - For more general information see the Tiered Bracket System page.



 Non-Active Base


  Active Base


Defense Objective Defend-EventBox-Icon.png

  • Defense of Rogue Attack - The Player is required to Defend their Base against 1 to 3 waves of attacks from rogue forces in order to complete the Tier's Defense Objective.
  • Rogue Units - Each Defensive Wave may consist of Units in any number and combination from Ground, Air or both. The higher the Tier the harder the difficulty.
  • Successful Defense- The Player's Base is considered successfully defended when all attacking Rogue Units have been eliminated while preventing the Player's Command Center from being destroyed.
  • Repeatable Objective - The Player must repeat any wave in which the Command Center is destroyed in order to move on to the next wave or to complete the Objective.
  • Surrender - The Player may surrender a Defense Wave at any time during the Rogue Attack. After which the Player may then Repair and Adjust the Base Defenses and restart that Wave from the beginning.
  • Single Direction Defense - For each wave the Rogue Faction will attack the Player's Base from a single direction. For this Event all Rogue Units will be deployed from the Southeast.




Attack Objective - Corpus Base - Underground ( Cave ) NoAir-ICON.png

  • Underground Event Base - A Tier may have an Objective requiring the Player to Attack and Fully Destroy an Underground Event Base or "Cave" in order to complete.
  • Cave Levels - Each Tier with a Cave Objective will have it's own Level of Underground Bases. For this this event the Caves Levels are : 5, 25 and 75.
  • Cave Layouts - Each Tier with a Cave Objective may or may not have Multiple Layouts of that Tier's Level of Cave. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Cave Weapon Restrictions - Due to its underground setting the Player is limited on the Units they may utilized during an attack on a Cave Base. Which of the Player's weapons that are Available or Not Available are as follows :
  • Single Attack Direction - Players may surround a Cave Base with Platoons to use during the attack, however, regardless of the Platoon's relative position all Units will enter the battle from a single direction. For this event all Units will be deployed from the Northwest.
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a Cave Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Cave Base Completion - A Cave Base Objective is considered complete when the Player sucessfully destroys all Buildings, Turrets and Defending Units found within the Cave.
    ( Does NOT include Drones or Last Stand Defenders ).
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Cave Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the Objective. This Time Limit is determined by the associated Tier of the Cave. ( For more information see Tiered Bracket System above ).
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - To complete a Cave Objective the Player may attack any Active Underground Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.





Attack Objective - Event Base - Corpus Island NoGround-Icon.png

  • Island Event Base - A Tier may have an Objective requiring the Player to Attack and Fully Destroy an Island Event Base in order to complete.
  • Island Levels - Each Tier with a Island Objective will have it's own Level of Island Bases. For this this event the Island Levels are : 30.
  • Island Layouts - Each Tier with a Island Objective may or may not have Multiple Layouts of that Tier's Level of Island. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Island Weapon Restrictions - Due to its island setting the Player is limited on the Units they may utilized during an attack on a Island Base. Which of the Player's weapons that are Available or Not Available are as follows :
  • 360 Deg Attack Direction - Players may surround and deploy Units from any direction while attacking an Island Base.
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a Island Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Island Base Completion - A Island Base Objective is considered complete when the Player sucessfully destroys all Buildings, Turrets and Defending Units found on the Island.
    ( Does NOT include Drones or Last Stand Defenders ).
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Island Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the Objective. This Time Limit is determined by the associated Tier of the Island. ( For more information see Tiered Bracket System above ).
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - To complete a Island Objective the Player may attack any Active Island Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.

Platform Island-MapICON.png


Attack Objective - Event Base - Corpus City Target-EventBox-Icon.PNG

  • Corpus City Event Base - A Tier may have an Objective which requires the Player to Attack and Destroy an Corpus City Event Base in order to complete.
  • Base Levels - Each Tier with a Corpus City Objective will have it's own Level of Corpus City Base. For this this event the Corpus City Levels are : 10, 35 & 85.
  • Base Layouts - Each Tier with a Corpus City Objective may or may not have Multiple Layouts of that Tier's Level of Corpus City. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Weapon Restrictions - There are NO restrictions on the Units or Special Ops the Player may utilize during the attack.
  • Single Attack Direction - Players may surround a Corpus City Base with Platoons to use during the attack, however, regardless of the Platoon's relative position all Units will enter the battle from a single direction. For this event all Units will be deployed from the Southwest.
  • Base Completion - A Corpus City Base Objective is considered complete when the Player successfully destroys all Buildings and Turrets found within the Corpus City.
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Corpus City Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the Objective. This Time Limit is determined by the associated Tier of the Corpus City.
    ( For more information see Tiered Bracket System above ).
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a Corpus City Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - To complete a Corpus City Objective the Player may attack any Active Corpus City Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.

Corpus City-MapICON.png


City Ruins-Background.jpg

Attack Objective - Event Base - Corpus Valley Target-EventBox-Icon.PNG

  • Corpus Valley Event Base - A Tier may have an Objective which requires the Player to Attack and Destroy an Corpus Valley Event Base in order to complete.
  • Base Levels - Each Tier with a Corpus Valley Objective will have it's own Level of Corpus Valley Base. For this this event the Corpus Valley Levels are : 20 & 70.
  • Base Layouts - Each Tier with a Corpus Valley Objective may or may not have Multiple Layouts of that Tier's Level of Corpus Valley. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Weapon Restrictions - There are NO restrictions on the Units or Special Ops the Player may utilize during the attack.
  • Single Attack Direction - Players may surround a Corpus Valley Base with Platoons to use during the attack, however, regardless of the Platoon's relative position all Units will enter the battle from a single direction. For this event all Units will be deployed from the Southwest.
  • Base Completion - A Corpus Valley Base Objective is considered complete when the Player successfully destroys all Buildings and Turrets found within the Corpus Valley.
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Corpus Valley Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the Objective. This Time Limit is determined by the associated Tier of the Corpus Valley.
    ( For more information see Tiered Bracket System above ).
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a Corpus Valley Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - To complete a Corpus Valley Objective the Player may attack any Active Corpus Valley Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.



Forest Valley-Background.jpg

Attack Objective - Event Base - Corpus Base Target-EventBox-Icon.PNG

  • Corpus Event Base - A Tier may have an Objective which requires the Player to Attack and Destroy an Corpus Event Base in order to complete.
  • Base Levels - Each Tier with a Corpus Base Objective will have it's own Level of Corpus Base Base. For this this event the Corpus Base Levels are : 80.
  • Base Layouts - Each Tier with a Corpus Base Objective may or may not have Multiple Layouts of that Tier's Level of Corpus Base. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Weapon Restrictions - There are NO restrictions on the Units or Special Ops the Player may utilize during the attack.
  • Single Attack Direction - Players may surround a Corpus Base Base with Platoons to use during the attack, however, regardless of the Platoon's relative position all Units will enter the battle from a single direction. For this event all Units will be deployed from the Southeast.
  • Base Completion - A Corpus Base Base Objective is considered complete when the Player successfully destroys all Buildings and Turrets found within the Corpus Base.
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Corpus Base Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the Objective. This Time Limit is determined by the associated Tier of the Corpus Base.
    ( For more information see Tiered Bracket System above ).
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a Corpus Base Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - To complete a Corpus Base Objective the Player may attack any Active Corpus Base Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.



Desert Plains-Background.jpg

Attack Objective - Event Base - Corpus Base Fortress-EventBox-Icon.png

  • Corpus Fortress - A Tier may have an Objective which requires the Player to Attack and Destroy an Corpus Fortress in order to complete.
  • Base Levels - Each Tier with a Corpus Fortress Objective will have it's own Level of Corpus Fortress Base. For this this event the Corpus Fortress Levels are : 15, 40 & 90.
  • Base Layouts - Each Tier with a Corpus Fortress Objective may or may not have Multiple Layouts of that Tier's Level of Corpus Fortress. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Weapon Restrictions - There are NO restrictions on the Units or Special Ops the Player may utilize during the attack.
  • Single Attack Direction - Players may surround a Corpus Fortress Base with Platoons to use during the attack, however, regardless of the Platoon's relative position all Units will enter the battle from a single direction. For this event all Units will be deployed from the Southeast.
  • Base Completion - A Corpus Fortress Base Objective is considered complete when the Player successfully destroys all Buildings and Turrets found within the Corpus Fortress.
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Corpus Fortress Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the Objective. This Time Limit is determined by the associated Tier of the Corpus Fortress.
    ( For more information see Tiered Bracket System above ).
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a Corpus Fortress Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - To complete a Corpus Fortress Objective the Player may attack any Active Corpus Fortress Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.

Hell Hounds(45).png


Mountain Fortress-Background.jpg

Sector Goal - Event Base - Sandstorm RushBase-EventBox-Icon.png

  • Sandstorm Sector Goal Base - Once a Sector Goal has been reached special Sandstorm bases appear on the World Map. These bases are completely Optional and are not required to complete any Event Tier.
  • Base Levels - The Sandstorm Base's all are the same level. For this this event the Sandstorm Base Level is : 95.
  • Base Layouts - The Sandstorm Event Bases have single unchanging layout. ( For more information see Event Base & Fortress Layouts below ).
  • Weapon Restrictions - There are NO restrictions on the Units or Special Ops the Player may utilize during the attack.
  • Single Attack Direction - Players may surround a Sandstorm Base with Platoons to use during the attack, however, regardless of the Platoon's relative position all Units will enter the battle from a single direction. For this event all Units will be deployed from the Southwest.
  • Base Completion - A Sandstorm Base is considered complete when the Player successfully destroys all Buildings,Turrets and Defending Units found within the Sandstorm Sector Goal Base.
    ( Does NOT include Drones or Last Stand Defenders ).
  • Base Reset Countdown - The Player must completely destroy a Sandstorm Base within a set amount of time in order to complete the base. Failure to complete the base in the allotted amount of time will result in the complete resetting of all damage done to structures and defending Units.
  • Unlimited Attacks - The Player may start and stop an attack on a {Sandstorm Base as many times as they find necessary to complete the Target providing time remains on the Base Reset Countdown.
  • Non-Exclusive Event Base - The Player may attack any Active Sandstorm Base found on the World Map. In this effort the Player may enlist help in completing the base from Allied Players. However, only the Player destroying the Final Target found within the base will get credit for its completion.



Notable Event Features

  • SECTOR GOAL - CORPUS ( Edit ) :
    • Sector Points are earned by completing Tiers.
      • Each Tier will yield a specific amount of Sector Points that are collectively added to the sector's total.
      • The higher the Tier's difficulty the more higher the amount of Sector Points generated for completing the tier.
    • When the Sector reaches its goal, New Targets bases will spawn on the World Map.
      • These bases are only available for a limited amount of time.
      • Once this time has passed the bases will be removed from the World Map and the Sector Goal is reset.




  • INFILTRATORS ( Edit ) :
    • Infiltrators are Special Forces units with the ability to utilize Stealth.
      • Infiltrators are cloaked and can not be seen when scouting an Event Base.
      • Infiltrators are become visible when they are actively firing upon a target.
      • Infiltrators will re-cloak a few seconds after they have ceased firing.
      • Infiltrators must be visible to be targeted.
    • Event Bases may or may not contain Infiltrators depending on type and level.
      • Bases with Infiltrators may contain anywhere from a single Infiltrator to several Fire Teams.

Corpus Infiltrator-LargePic.png

Sector Base Prize Draw

Sandstorm Corpus-Sandstorm-PrizeDraw-Sandstorm.png NONE Aircraft
112,000 eXP Corpus-Sandstorm-PrizeDraw-XP-Award.png NONE Event XP
Click Picture Icon Above To View Larger Image

Event Shop

Event Experience Points (eXP)


Special Event Prizes


Use It Or Lose It

Following the conclusion of the Special Event :

  • The Event Shop will remain open for 48 Hours.
  • Any unused eXP at the time the Event Shop closes will be lost.
  • If a Player has no remaining eXP at the end of the Event the Event Shop will close immediately

Tiers & Objectives

Defend Defend Against 3 Waves of Explosive Vehicles + 1,500 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 5 Corpus Cave + 1,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 10 Corpus City + 1,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 15 Corpus Fortress + 1,000 eXP
BONUS Complete All Objectives For XP Bonus + 750 eXP
Defend Defend Against 3 Waves of Helicopters + 10,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 20 Corpus Valley + 10,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 25 Corpus Cave + 10,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 30 Corpus Island + 10,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 35 Corpus City + 10,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 40 Corpus Fortress + 12,500 eXP
BONUS Complete All Objectives For XP Bonus + 4,500 eXP
TIER COMPLETION PRIZE Nitrous Injectors x1
Defend Defend Against 1 Sandstorm & Infiltrator Attacks + 11,500 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 70 Corpus Valley + 20,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 75 Corpus Cave + 31,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 80 Corpus Base + 36,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 85 Corpus City + 40,000 eXP
Attack Destroy 1 Level 90 Corpus Fortress + 56,000 eXP
BONUS Complete All Objectives For XP Bonus + 80,000 eXP
TIER COMPLETION PRIZE Compressed Magazine x1

Event Base & Fortress Layouts

To Change Layout Section Click Here ---> EDIT LAYOUT TEMPLATE

# 1
Nighthawk-Lv05-Layout-1.jpg C
5h 49m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv25-Layout-1.jpg B
3h 29m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv75-Layout-1.jpg A
1h 09m
Nighthawk-Lv10-Layout-1.jpg C
5h 49m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv35-Layout-1.jpg B
3h 29m
Nighthawk-Lv85-Layout-1.jpg A
1h 09m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv15-Layout-1.jpg C
5h 49m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv40-Layout-1.jpg B
3h 29m
Nighthawk-Lv90-Layout-1.jpg A
1h 09m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv20-Layout-1.jpg B
3h 29m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv70-Layout-1.jpg A
1h 09m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv30-Layout-1.jpg B
3h 29m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv80-Layout-1.jpg A
1h 09m
# 1
Nighthawk-Lv95-Layout-1.jpg 45m

Additional Information

  • Fact


Event Firsts & Records

Related Pages

External Links


Click Expand to View Additional Quotes

Recent recon has picked up new activity in the ruined cities. Additionally, fewer search units have returned fully intact. Something in the cities is eliminating our troops - something that they cannot see. We better prepare Commander, it looks like a new foe is on its way.
  — Event Message #1 

Helicopters have been spotted over the ruins of a nearby city. While they were quick to leave, they were around long enough to raise suspicion as to what they were after. Be on the look out, Commander, something is happening in the cities and int can't be good.
  — Event Message #2 

Commander! One of our recon troops has returned with vital information. Her report states that a massive helicopter stormed the city she was scouting. She narrowly escaped when facing a swarm of drones, after her convoy was hit by missiles.
  — Event Message #3 

Urgent report, Commander! All recon scouts are reporting that this new organization has infiltrated the area, we have found intel that they are from a faction called "Corpus". We cannot allow them to control the sector.
  — Event Message #4 - Start 

We have managed to slow down the progress of Corpus' invasion. Be sure to pick up their tech and recruit those who realize your strength. The more infiltrators we have on our side the better!
  — Event Message #5 - 24 Hour Warning 

Success! We have managed to push back the Corpus forces, but it seems like this was way to easy. Our intelligence officers believe that they will return with new weapons now that they have assessed our strengths and weaknesses. Let us prepare Commander, this is not the first foe we have had to crush.
  — Event Message #6 - Event End 

Just a heads up tip, the Warhorse will be very helpful during this months event.
  — CM Sulaco [src]

Gallery - Event Messages

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Gallery - Event Features

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Gallery - Event Misc

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Gallery - Event Instructions

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Gallery - Event Shop

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Gallery - Tier Completion Awards

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Gallery - Sector Prize Draw

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1 & 4. Rogue Assault    2. Operation: Red Storm    3. Operation: Warhawk    5. Operation: Hellfire    6. Operation: Red Sky    7. Operation: Rolling Thunder    8. Operation: Undead Harvest    9. Operation: Shockwave    10. Operation: Hellstorm    11. Operation: Red Swarm    12. Operation: Warlord    13. Operation: Crossfire    14. Operation: Front Line    15. Operation: Archangel    16. Operation: Halcyon    17. Operation: Deadpoint    18. Operation: Deadpoint 2    19. Operation: Undead Rising    20. Operation: Desert Recon    21. Operation: Devil's Grip    22. Operation: Red Storm (2014)    23. Operation: Hellstorm 2    24. Operation: Floodgate    25. Operation: Floodgate 2    26. Operation: Cerberus    27. Operation: Cerberus 2    28. Operation: Iron March    29. Operation: Iron Reign    30. Operation: Iron Lord    31. Operation: Undead Swarm    32. Operation: Dragon's Oath    33. Operation: Inferno    34. Operation: Afterburn    35. Operation: Scorched Earth    36. Genesis    37. Covenant    38. Revelation    39. Rapture    40. Operation: Nighthawk    41. Operation: Nightmare    42. Operation: Nightfall    43. Operation: Night's End    44. Operation: Wildfire    45. Operation: Frostbite    46. Operation: Aftermath    47. Operation: Remnants   48. Operation: Descent    49. Operation: Isolation    50. Operation: Retribution    51. Operation: Omega    52. Operation: Stormfront    53. Operation: Dogs of War    54. Operation: Death From Above    55. Operation: Death From Below    56. Nightmare: Death From Below    57. Operation: Unholy Alliance    58. Operation: The Righteous Ones    59. Operation: Brother's Wrath    60. Operation: The New Age    61. Operation: Roadkill    62. Operation: Smoke and Mirrors    63. Operation: The Greater Good    64. Operation: Into Chaos    65. Nightmare: Into Chaos    66. Operation: True Believers    67. Operation: Blind Faith    68. Operation: The Divide    69. Operation: Resurrection    70. Nightmare: Resurrection    71. Operation: Thorium Rush    72. Operation: Espionage    73. Operation: The Source of Power    74. Operation: Road to Hell    75. Operation: Dreams of the Machine God    76. Operation: Sins of Our Fathers    77. Operation: Source Code    78. Operation: Deus Ex Machina    79. Operation: Rising Sun    80. Operation: Heatwave    81. Operation: Meltdown    82. Operation: Burning Dead    83. Nightmare: Burning Dead    84. Operation: Wargames    85. Operation: Red Exodus    86. Operation: Metamorphosis    87. Operation: Red Revelation    88. Operation: Righteous Return    89. Operation: Great Awakening    90. Operation: Deliverance    91. Operation: Final Reckoning    92. Operation: Wargames 2    93. Operation: Solitude    94. Operation: Shattered Alliance    95. Operation: Dead Fall    96. Nightmare: Dead Fall    97. Operation: War Of Shadows    98. Operation: Smoke and Shadow    99. Operation: Agents of Chaos    100. Operation: Chaos Century    101. Operation: Chaos Apocalypse    102. Operation: Thunderstorm    103. Operation: Storm's Eye    104. Operation: Stormchaser    105. Operation: Exiled Honor    106. Operation: Tied That Bind    107. Operation: Sanctuary    108. Operation: Burning Rivalry    109. Nightmare: Buried Alive    110. Operation: Wargames III    112. Operation: Thorium Dawn    112. Operation: The Thorium Trail    113. Operation: The Price Of Thorium    114. Operation: Fistful Of Thorium    115. Operation: Day Of Ascension
Defend-EventBox-Icon.png   PvE OFFENSIVE & DEFENSE EVENTS   Defend-EventBox-Icon.png
0. Operation: Badger Run    1. Onslaught    2. Winter Onslaught    3. Horde Onslaught    4. Wasteland Onslaught    5. Silver Skull Onslaught    6. Monumental Death Onslaught    7. Hound Roast Onslaught    8. Thor Galore Onslaught    9. Zombie Invasion    10. Pure Thor Onslaught    11. Survivor's Onslaught    12. Onslaught 12    13. Onslaught 13    14. Onslaught 14    15. Onslaught 15    16. Onslaught 16    17. Onslaught 17    18. Zombie Onslaught
   Invasion 1    Invasion 2    Invasion 3    Invasion 4    Invasion 5    Invasion 6    Invasion 7    Invasion 8    Invasion 9    Invasion 10    Invasion 11    Invasion 12    Invasion 13    Invasion 14    Invasion 15    Invasion 16    Invasion 17    Invasion 18    Invasion 19    Invasion 20    Invasion 21    Invasion 22
   Holdout I    Holdout II    Holdout III    Holdout IV    Holdout V    Holdout VI    Holdout VII    Holdout VIII    Holdout IX    Holdout X    Holdout 11


   Showdown I    Showdown II    Showdown III    Showdown IV
Infamy-Icon-Big.png   PvP TOURNAMENTS & PVP SEASONS   Infamy-Icon-Big.png
Infamy Strike    Infamy Pre-Season    Infamy Pre-Season 2    Infamy Season 1    Infamy Season 2    Infamy Season 3    Infamy Season 4    Infamy Season 5    Infamy Season 6    Infamy Season 7    Infamy Season 8    Infamy Season 9    Infamy Season 10    Infamy Season 11    Infamy Season 12    Infamy Season 13    Infamy Season 14    Infamy Season 15    Infamy Season 16    Infamy Season 17    Infamy Season 18    Infamy Season 19    Infamy Season 20
Shadow Ops    Weekend Special    Contests    Easter Egg Hunt
Event Shop    Infamy    eXP    Rogue Factions    Special Event    Mini-Event    Event Templates