Go-Go Bar

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BUILDING DESCRIPTION Gives Units Defending a Base a Bonus in Damage. Also used to test Base's Defense with Rogue attacks. Go-Go Bar pic.png
EFFECTS OF UPGRADE Upgrading increases the Bonus Damage Percentage applied to the Units Defending the Base.
REQUIREMENTS Level 3 Command Center
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Upgrade Progression

Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade
Test Capacity
Base Defense Platoon
Metal Oil Damage Bonus Repair Time
1 50,000 50,000 2h 3 600 + 4% - 1%
2 75,000 75,000 2h 3 800 2,150 + 6% - 2%
3 100,000 100,000 2h 3 1,000 2,900 + 8% - 3%
4 125,000 125,000 2h 4 1,400 2,900 + 12% - 4%
5 150,000 150,000 2h 5 2,000 + 18% - 5%
6 200,000 200,000 12h 7 2,600 + 24% - 7%
7 250,000 250,000 12h 7 3,200 3,000 + 30% - 9%
8 500,000 500,000 12h 7 3,800 3,000 + 36% - 11%
9 1,000,000 1,000,000 12h 7 4,400 3,000 + 42% - 13%
10 1,500,000 1,500,000 12h 7 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 15%
11 50,000,000 50,000,000 1d 12 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 18%
12 100,000,000 100,000,000 1d 12 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 21%
13 150,000,000 150,000,000 1d 12 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 24%
14 200,000,000 200,000,000 1d 12 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 27%
15 250,000,000 250,000,000 1d 12 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 30%
16 300,000,000 300,000,000 2d 13 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 34%
17 350,000,000 350,000,000 2d 13 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 38%
18 400,000,000 400,000,000 2d 13 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 42%
19 450,000,000 450,000,000 2d 13 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 46%
20 500,000,000 500,000,000 2d 13 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 50%
21 550,000,000 550,000,000 2d 14 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 50%
22 600,000,000 600,000,000 2d 14 5,000 3,000 + 48% - 50%
Total 3,903,950,000 3,903,950,000 17d 22h

Upgrade Experience ( XP )

Experience Points Awarded per Upgrade Level  ( T )
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
86,018 35,020 53,930 ? 127,085 350,418 643,228 839,840 1,084,761 1,402,140
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Level 16 Level 17 Level 18 Level 19 Level 20
? 20,021,600 40,021,600 60,021,600 80,021,600 100,021,600 120,021,600 140,021,600 ? ?
Level 21 Level 22 Level 23 Level 24 Level 25 Total Experience Points = 564,773,640 xp
? ? N / A N / A N / A
For More information on this see Experience Points.

Appearance Progression / States of Repair

NORMAL - 100% to 50% Health DAMAGED - 49% to 1% Health DESTROYED - 0% Health
LEVELS 1 - 4
GoGoBar1.gif GoGoBar1.damaged.png GoGoBar1.destroyed.png
LEVELS 5 - 9
Baiter.gif Baiter.top.1.damaged.png Baiter.top.1.destroyed.png
LEVELS 10 - 19
GoGoBar10.gif GoGoBar10.damaged.png GoGoBar10.destroyed.png
LEVEL 20 - 22
GoGoBar20.gif GoGoBar20.damaged.png GoGoBar20.destroyed.png
TOTAL REPAIR TIME 0% to 100% : 25 min

Related Missions

Enemy in Heat MissionIcon-EnemyInHeat.png Build the Go-Go Bar. 10,000 10,000 X X
Some Missions May Not Be Available Until The Completion Of Others.

Building Function

The Go-Go Bar preforms two useful Functions for the Player.

Base Defenders Damage Bonus

  • The Go-Go Bar provides a Damage Bonus vs All to most Defending Units in a Player or Rogue Base.
  • The Go-Go Bar's Damage Bonus IS applied to the following Units when defending a base :
  • The Go-Go Bar's Damage Bonus IS NOT applied to the following when defending a base :
  • The Go-Go Bar's Damage Bonus is a Percentage Increase of the Defending Units Listed Damage.
    • This Damage Bonus percentage is determined by the level of the Go-Go Bar.
  • The Go-Go Bar's Damage Bonus is NOT ACTIVE if the Go-Go Bar is
    • Fully Destroyed ( 0% Health ).  The Damage Bonus Resumes as soon as repairs begin.
    • Under Construction or being Upgraded.


Base Defense Testing

The Go-Go Bar may be used to activate a Rogue Attack in order to test their Base's Defensive Set-Up.

  • The Go-Go Bar has a maximum Capacity of 3,000 for Units to be used in the Test Attack.
  • The Test may consist of any combination of Infantry, Vehicles, Aircraft, Missiles or Mercenary Mech.
    • The Attacking Units are not controlled by the Player during a Test Attack.
      • The Player gains control of Attack Units during a Test Attack once the Go-Go Bar reaches Level 21.
    • Only Units that the Player has Unlocked may be deployed from the Go-Go Bar during the Test Attack.
      • This requirement is eliminated once the Go-Go Bar reaches Level 22.
    • The Level of the Attacking Units used in the Test Attack will be equal to that of the Player's Unit Levels.
    • The Units may randomly be Customized with one of the Player's Workshop Schematic Designs.
    • A random selection of Units may be deployed in the Test Attack by pressing the Randomize button.
  • The direction of the Test Attack is selected by the Player from one of eight spawn locations.
  • Test Attacks may be stopped at any time by clicking the Stop button located at the top of the screen.


Update History

Listed in Reverse Chronological Order -- Click [ Expand ] to View Earliest Updates

  • No Further Updates.

Additional Facts

  • The Go-Go Bar requires a Level 3 Command Center to unlock.
  • The Go-Go Bar, at Level 21+, allows the Player to control attacking Units during a Base Defense Test.
  • The Go-Go Bar, at Level 22, grants access to any Publicly Accessible Units for a Base Defense Test.
    • The Player is NOT required to Unlocked the units first in order to use them during a Base Defense Test.


  • The Go-Go Bar was originally intended to say "Free Beer" but was set as "Free Sex" and never changed. (Ref)
    • This was eventually change to read "Showtime!" in an unknown update in Feb 2014 .
  • The Go-Go Bar appearance was temporarily changed on July 04, 2013 to reflect the US Independence Day.
    • Added American Flags and Red, White & Blue bunting displayed on the interface.
    • Added American Flag flying on the exterior.
    • Added animated Fire Work display when Moused Over or Targeted.
    • These changes have become standard for Independence Day every year since.
  • The Go-Go Bar was originally released as a Military Building.
    • It was later moved to Defense Buildings to reflect the addition of the newly added Defense Bonus.
  • Building Pixel Sheet Code : 19


Click Expand to View Additional Quotes

The Go-Go Bar improves troop morale, giving your units bonus damage when defending your base. Rogue Factions love it too - turn up the music to lure them to your base so you can test your defenses.
  — In-Game Description [src]

ENEMY IN HEAT - Commander, you can now lure enemies to your base with promise of kinky music and plenty of skin.
  — Level 1 Message [src]

FLESH AND GUNS - Rebel soldiers love your Level 5 Go-Go Bar. I love watching them get blown to bits by our guns. Win-win!
  — Level 5 Message [src]

Everyone loves a good show!
  — Level 5 Facebook Announcement 

MORALE BOOSTER - Don't have too much fun - invaders are close behind!
  — Level 10 Message [src]

MISSION - Commander, did you know how easy it can be to manipulate men? Throw a pretty girl in front of them and they lose all sense. We could use this to our advantage by constructing a Go-Go Bar to lure our enemies to our base.
  — Mission - Enemy In Heat [src]

MISSION - Excellent, Commander! Now all we have to do is turn on the neon and watch them come to us.
  — Mission - Enemy In Heat - Complete [src]

External Links


Go-Go Bar Music Music attarcks Rouge Factions and plays durring Test Attack.

Gallery - Animated


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Gallery- Historical

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For more videos on this topic see : Go-Go Bar Additional Video
