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BUILDING DESCRIPTION Barricades are used to fortify a Base by protecting key Buildings and impeding the movement of the Enemy Ground Units. Barricade-MainPic.png
EFFECTS OF UPGRADE Upgrading increases Health. Beginning with Level 5 Barricades block Enemy ( Line of Sight ) Fire from Ground Units.
REQUIREMENTS Level 1 Command Center
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Upgrade Progression

Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade
Metal Oil Thorium
1 500 500 0 1s 1 20,000
2 1,500 1,500 0 1s 2 40,000
3 2,500 2,500 0 1s 3 120,000
4 10,000 10,000 0 1s 4 200,000
5 37,500 37,500 3,000 1s 5 400,000
6 75,000 75,000 6,000 1s 5 800,000
7 150,000 150,000 12,000 1s 6 1,600,000
8 300,000 300,000 24,000 1s 6 2,400,000
9 450,000 450,000 48,000 1s 7 5,000,000
10 600,000 600,000 96,000 1s 7 10,000,000
11 750,000 750,000 125,000 1s 10 14,000,000
12 1,500,000 1,500,000 250,000 1s 12 18,000,000
13 2,250,000 2,250,000 375,000 1s 14 22,000,000
14 3,000,000 3,000,000 500,000 1s 15 28,600,000
15 3,750,000 3,750,000 625,000 1s 16 35,200,000
Total 12,877,000 12,877,000 2,064,000

Construction Limits

Barricade Construction Limits Per Command Center Level
No. of Barricades 60 70 80 110 130 160 260 260

Upgrade Experience (XP)

Experience Points Awarded per Upgrade Level  ( T )
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
401 401 1,201 2,001 8,001 31,201 62,401 124,801 249,601 379,201
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Total Experience Points = 4,302,614 xp
518,401 650,001 650,001 975,001 1,300,001
For More information on this see Experience Points.

Placing and Moving Barricades

Placing Barricades

  • When placing New Barricades, the Player has the ability to lay multiple Barricades in back to back succession.
    • When purchasing Barricades, the next potential barrier will populate for placement. The Player may then choose to continue placing barriers until they are finished or chose end by pressing the “Finish” button to exit Barricade placement.

Moving Existing Barricades

  • The Player may move existing Barricades in 1 or 2 ways :
    • By “Left Clicking” each Barricade and selecting the Move command from the pop-up menu.
    • By Holding “Shift+Left Click” on each Barricade to bypass the Menu and place that barricade instantly into Move mode.

Appearance Progression

Neutral Survivors Corpus Sentinels
Level 01 Barricades01.png Barricades01 Survivors.png Barricades01 Corpus.png Barricades01 Sentinels.png
Level 02 Barricades02.png Barricades02 Survivors.png Barricades02 Corpus.png Barricades02 Sentinels.png
Level 03 Barricades03.png Barricades03 Survivors.png Barricades03 Corpus.png Barricades03 Sentinels.png
Level 04 Barricades04.png Barricades04 Survivors.png Barricades04 Corpus.png Barricades04 Sentinels.png
Level 05 Barricades05.png Barricades05 Survivors.png Barricades05 Corpus.png Barricades05 Sentinels.png
Level 06 Barricades06.png Barricades06 Survivors.png Barricades06 Corpus.png Barricades06 Sentinels.png
Level 07 Barricades07.png Barricades07 Survivors.png Barricades07 Corpus.png Barricades07 Sentinels.png
Level 08 Barricades08.png Barricades08 Survivors.png Barricades08 Corpus.png Barricades08 Sentinels.png
Level 09 Barricades09.png Barricades09 Survivors.png Barricades09 Corpus.png Barricades09 Sentinels.png
Level 10 Barricades10.png Barricades10 Survivors.png Barricades10 Corpus.png Barricades10 Sentinels.png
Level 11 Barricades11.png Barricades11 Survivors.png Barricades11 Corpus.png Barricades11 Sentinels.png
Level 12 Barricades12.png Barricades12 Survivors.png Barricades12 Corpus.png Barricades12 Sentinels.png
Level 13 Barricades13.png Barricades13 Survivors.png Barricades13 Corpus.png Barricades13 Sentinels.png
Level 14 Barricades14.png Barricades14 Survivors.png Barricades14 Corpus.png Barricades14 Sentinels.png
Level 15 Barricades15.png Barricades15 Survivors.png Barricades15 Corpus.png Barricades15 Sentinels.png

Related Missions

Safety Check MissionIcon-Barricade.png Build 36 Barricades. 20,000 20,000 X X
Some Missions May Not Be Available Until The Completion Of Others.

Update History

Listed in Reverse Chronological Order -- Click [ Expand ] to View Earliest Updates

Additional Info

  • The Barricade is constructed and upgraded without the use of the Dozer allowing other structures to be constructed or upgraded simultaneously.
  • The Barricade allows Ground Units defending a Player's Base to pass through them at will. 
  • The Barricade blocks the path of all Enemy attacking Ground Units forcing them to either destroy the barricade or to locate an alternate path around them.
    • This allows Players to somewhat control attack approaches in the attempt to force the Attacking Units into Kill Zones.
  • The Barricade, Level 5 and above, absorbs Direct Fire from Ground Units while allowing the Defending Units to shoot unobstructed.
  • The Barricade, Level 5 and above, do NOT obstruct shots from Ground Units that utilize Arc Fire such as the Mortar Team, Rocket Buggy, Razorback and Hellfire.
  • The Barricade, Level 5 and above, can limit the amount of Splash Damage taken by a Building or Unit  when the barricade is
    • placed in between them and the target being struck. 
    • the barricade itself is being targeted.



Click Expand to View Additional Quotes

Use Barricades to fortify your base and protected key buildings and bootlenck enemy forces
  — In-Game Description 

Level 2 Barricades offer increased protection from forces
  — Level 2 Description 

Level 3 Barricades are fitted with a reinforced intimal structure to withstand attacks.
  — Level 3 Description 
Level 4 Barricades come equipped with hardened exterior for more protection.
  — Level 4 Description 

Level 5 Barricades offer enhanced protection from and block direct fire.
  — Level 5 Description 

Level 6 Barricades utilize Thorium to improve armor and block direct fire.
  — Level 6 Description 
Level 7 Barricades provide additional enhanced protection from direct fire
  — Level 7 Description 
Level 8 Barricades from the virtually impenetrable barrier around your base.
  — Level 8 Description 

Level 9 Barricades from the virtually impenetrable barrier around your base.
  — Level 9 Description 

IRON CURTAIN - Excellent, Commander! Now that our Barricades block direct fire, nothing's getting through!
  — Level 5 Message [src]

My analysis of human behavior has revealed that most women suffer from an unhealthy amount of insecurity. can you surround the Command Center with barricades so I can "feel" more safe and loved?
  — R.U.B.I. - Mission - Safety Check [src]

Further analysis has taught me that human men like to feel that women need them. From now on, I'll attempt to provide this type of feedback for you. Oh, Commander, I'm such a lucky girl to have you protecting me. How did I do?
  — R.U.B.I. - Mission - Safety Check - Complete [src]

Related Pages

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For more videos on this topic see : Barricade Additional Video
