Missile Silo

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BUILDING DESCRIPTION Produces and houses all of the Missiles in the Player's arsenal. MissileSilo-Main.png
EFFECTS OF UPGRADE Upgrading the Missile Silo increases teh Missile Storage Capacity.
REQUIREMENTS Level 3 Command Center  •  Level 1 Defense Lab
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Upgrade Progression

Level Upgrade Cost Upgrade
Metal Oil
1 3,000 3,000 5m 3 40 100
2 44,000 17,600 1h 3 50 200
3 96,800 38,720 4h 3 60 300
4 212,960 85,184 12h 3 70 400
5 468,512 187,405 1d 3 80 500
6 1,030,726 412,291 1d 4 90 600
7 2,267,598 907,039 1d 4 100 700
8 4,988,716 1,995,486 1d 4 110 800
9 10,976,175 4,390,070 1d 6 120 900
10 19,145,384 9,658,154 1d 6 130 1,000
11 20,000,000 9,700,000 1d 8 104 1,100
12 100,000,000 100,000,000 2d 9 78 1,200
13 150,000,000 150,000,000 3d 13 1,300
14 200,000,000 200,000,000 4d 13 1,400
15 300,000,000 300,000,000 5d 13 1,500
Total 809,233,871 798,933,871 21d 17h 5m

Upgrade Experience ( XP )

Experience Points Awarded per Upgrade Level  ( T )
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9 Level 10
1,808 6,790 20,027 45,316 102,157 500,471 501,069 1,041,085 2,325,443 3,245,294
Level 11 Level 12 Level 13 Level 14 Level 15 Total Experience Points = 20,029,223 xp
6,018,963 6,220,800
For More information on this see Experience Points.

Appearance Progression / States of Repair

Appearance Progression / States of Repair
LEVELS 1 - 4
UNDAMAGED ( 100% ) DAMAGED ( 49% - 1% ) DESTROYED ( 0% )
MissileSilo1.png MissileSilo1.damaged.png MissileSilo1.destroyed.png
LEVELS 5 - 9
MissileSilo5.png MissileSilo5.damaged.png MissileSilo5.destroyed.png
MissileSilo10.png MissileSilo10.damaged.png MissileSilo10.destroyed.png
LEVEL 11 - 14
MissileSilo11.png MissileSilo11.damaged.png MissileSilo11.destroyed.png
MissileSilo15.png File:MissileSilo15.damaged.png File:MissileSilo15.destroyed.png
Total Repair Time : 30 sec

Available Missile Types

Atlas Atlas 3.png This extremely resilient missile deals very little damage, but is excellent at drawing fire away from airborne units to create a safe approach. None
Burner Missile Burner10.png After an initial lethal burst, the Burner missile leaves its fiery mark to incinerate any intruders that dare cross its path. Napalm
NAPALM STATUS EFFECT : Affected targets recieve a Time Released Damage over the duration of the Effect.
Corrosion Corrosion10.png The Corrosion Missile melts afflicted enemy targets, and applies the Corrosion Status Effect. Corrosion causes enemy targets to take more damage. Corrosion
CORROSION STATUS EFFECT : Casues all affectd Targets to recieve an Increase in Damage Taken from all sources for the duration of the effect. • Corrosion also causes its own Time Released Damage over the duration of the effect.
Deadeye Deadeye-Lv11.png The Deadeye Missile hones in to deal massive damage to a small area. None
Griffin Griffin10.png The Hellfire-class Griffin delivers a collective blast from multiple warheads across a large target area. None
Peacekeeper Peacekeeper-Lv11.png The atomic force of the Peacekeeper missile lowers chances of survival close to zero. None
Shock Shock-Lv11.png The Shock Missile stuns enemy Turrets and Vehicles on impact. Shock
SHOCK STATUS EFFECT : Renders all affected targets unable to Move or Fire Weapons for the duration of the Effect.
Skybolt Skybolt10.png The sonic blast of the Skybolt missile renders all Infantry and Bunkers incapacitated for 12 seconds. Concussion
CONCUSSION STATUS EFFECT : Renders all affected targets unable to Move or Fire Weapons for the duration of the Effect.
Tomahawk Tomahawk10.png The armor piercing Tomahawk inflicts crippling damage on enemy ground vehicles and troops within a target radius. None
Bullseye Bullseye 5.png An evolution of the Deadeye, the Bullseye is a high-velocity, small AoE missile equipped with advanced thruster technology to ensure it always hits its mark. None
EMP EMP-Lv11.png The EMP Stealth Missile is a new untargetable missile that shocks all targets in a moderate area of effect. Use it to disable critical turrets or vehicles in a fight quickly! Shock
Maverick Maverick 10.png The untargetable Maverick missile system specializes in dealing moderate damage over a large surface area. Applies the ‘Busted’ status to structures it hits at all Levels. Busted
True Sight File:True Sight 5.png Plants a beacon that detects nearby enemy stealth units. None
Zombie Missile

Zombie Missile 5.png

The Zombie Missile tunnels under ground and delivers multiple zombies to the target area using overhead satellite targeting. Upgrade to increase the number of zombies spawned. Plague

Related Mission

Build the Missile Silo MissionIcon-BuildTheMissileSilo.png Build the Missile Silo. 10,000 10,000 X X
Some Missions May Not Be Available Until The Completion Of Others.

Update History

Listed in Reverse Chronological Order -- Click [ Expand ] to View Earliest Updates

  • No Further Updates.

Additional Facts

  • Missiles must first be Unlocked in Defense Lab prior to being produced in the Missile Silo.
  • In most cases the entry point of Missiles is dictated by the position of the Player's Base relative to the Base or Deposit being attack.



Click Expand to View Additional Quotes

The Missile Silo houses all of the missiles in your arsenal. Upgrading this building increases your missile storage capacity.
  — In-Game Description [src]

MISSILE CRISIS - Enemies beware! Ballistic Missiles are now at your disposal, Commander.
  — Level 1 Message [src]

MISSILE COMMAND - An entire arsenal of rocket fueled weaponry at your fingertips.
  — Level 5 Message [src]

MISSILE CONTROL - You're armed to the teeth, Commander.
  — Level 10 Message [src]

MISSION - Commander, I have discovered dangerous ballistic technology that will be of great use to you and the battlefield. It's time to build your Missile Silo.
  — R.U.B.I. ( Pre-Mission Message: Build the Missile Silo ) [src]

MISSION - Well done, Commander. Your nuclear prowess is now a force to be reckoned with.
  — R.U.B.I. ( Post-Mission Message: Build the Missile Silo ) [src]

Related Pages

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FACTION Leadstorm  Faction : CORPUS - Corpus Technologies is a private corporation with its own personal army. They fight to gain control of the Sector's precious resources. )    Sledge  SURVIVORS - The Survivors are former refugees who militarized after escaping subjugation at the hands of the Sentinels. They fight for the freedom of the Sector. )    Upholder  SENTINELS - The Sentinels believe the Machine God will come one day to reclaim the world. They fight to reshape the world in the Machine God's image. )
Absorption Turret    Bracing Turret    Fortification Turret    Fusion Turret    Telemetry Turret    Viral Turret
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