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INTRODUCTION DATE March 19, 2015 Sentinels-Logo-2.png
BASES: STD    UNIQUE NO  •  YES DEPOSITS : Metal-ICON.png Oil-ICON.png    Thorium-ICON.png NO  •  NO
<< Ryu-Kai C ) ROGUE FACTION T ) Sickle Syndicate >>


The Sentinels are a extremely deadly & mobile Rogue Faction who travel in massive military and civilian convoys. Experts in propaganda, they enter a sector promising safety to those who follow them in an attempt to recruit as many members to their ranks as possible from the population including other Rogue Factions.

  • Ranks filled with Special Forces Infantry
    • Their Special Forces Infantry are rumored to be far more deadly than any other Rogue Faction's
  • Travel in both Military & Civilian Convoys
  • Experts in Propaganda
    • Promise of safety to those who follow them
    • Successful in recruiting members from other Rogue Factions
  • Sentinels in fact are imprisoning those who have tried to join them.
    • Experiments on those who've joined the Sentinel's ranks.
      • Experiments aim to create super soldiers, "Preservers".
    • Those who have escaped say Malachi intends to "purify the world"

Historical Timeline

Listed in Chronological Order -- Click Expand to View Full History

  • No Further History

History of Appearances

Sentinels Special Event Appearance History
# 36 EventSquare-Genesis.png Genesis Sentinels-ICON.png Sheila Hybrid Mar 19, 2015 thru Mar 24, 2015
# 37 EventSquare-Covenant.png Covenant Sentinels-ICON-2.png Malachi Hybrid Apr 23, 2015  thru Apr 29, 2015
# 38 EventSquare-Revelation.png Revelation Sentinels-ICON-2.png Malachi Hybrid May 21, 2015 thru May 27, 2015
# 39 EventSquare-Rapture.png Rapture Sentinels-ICON-2.png Malachi Hybrid Jun 18, 2015 thru Jun 24, 2015
# 58 EventSquare-RighteousOnes.png Operation: The Righteous Ones Sentinels-ICON-2.png Malachi Hybrid Dec 15, 2016 thru Dec 21, 2016
# 59 EventSquare-Brother’sWrath.png Operation: Brother's Wrath Sentinels-ICON-2.png Malachi Hybrid Jan 19, 2017 thru Jan 25, 2017
# 60 EventSquare-TheNewAge.png Operation: The New Age Sentinels-ICON-2.png Malachi Hybrid Feb 23, 2017 thru Mar 01, 2017
For More Information See : Special Events
ShadowOps-worldmap icon.png   Sentinels Shadow Ops Appearance History  ShadowOps-worldmap icon.png
1st Appearance Cycle # 10 4 Phases Mar 27, 2015 thru Apr 24, 2015
2nd Appearance Cycle # 11 3 Phases May 01, 2015 thru May 22, 2015
3rd Appearance Cycle # 12 3 Phases May 29, 2015 thru Jun 18, 2015
4th Appearance Cycle # 13 4 Phases Jun 26, 2015 thru Jul 24, 2015
5th Appearance Cycle # 30 4 Phases Nov 15, 2016 thru Dec 14, 2016
6th Appearance Cycle # 31 4 Phases Dec 23, 2016 thru Jan 12, 2017
7th Appearance Cycle # 32 4 Phases Jan 27, 2017 thru Feb 22, 2017
8th Appearance Cycle # 33 3 Phases Mar 02, 2017 thru Mar 02, 2017
9th Appearance Cycle # 34 ? Phases thru
For More Information See : Shadow Ops History

Faction Units

Juggernaut    Elite    Omega Juggernaut-MainPic.png Vehicle    Heavy HeavyVehicle-ICON.png Shadow Ops Campaign #10 Nov 02, 2016
Acolyte Acolyte-MainPic.png Infantry Inantry-ICON.png Operation: The Righteous Ones Dec 15, 2016
Purifier Purifier-MainPic.png Vehicle    Heavy HeavyVehicle-ICON.png Operation: The Righteous Ones Dec 15, 2016
Vindicator Vindicator-MainPic.png Vehicle    Heavy HeavyVehicle-ICON.png Operation: Brother’s Wrath Jan 19, 2017
Ardra  ( Purifier Hero ) Ardra-MainPic.png Vehicle    Heavy HeavyVehicle-ICON.png Operation: The New Age Feb 23, 2017
Herald    Elite EliteHerald-MainPic.png Aircraft HighAltTarget-Icon.png Campaign # 11 : The Mile High Club Jan 27, 2017
Seeker Seeker-MainPic.png Vehicle    Light Light Vehicle Operation: The Greater Good May 17, 2017
Valiant Valiant-MainPic.png Aircraft Airborne Unit Operation: The Greater Good May 17, 2017
Sunder - ( Vindicator Hero ) Sunder-MainPic.png Vehicle    Heavy HeavyVehicle-ICON.png Operation: Into Chaos Jun 15, 2017
For more information see : Faction Unit

Associated Units & Tech

Sheila - Hero Sheila-MainPic.png Special Forces Genesis Mar 19, 2015
Lead Operator LeadOperator-MainPic.png Special Forces Genesis Mar 19, 2015
Operator Operator-MainPic.png Special Forces Genesis Mar 19, 2015
Heavy Operator HeavyOperator-MainPic.png Special Forces Genesis Mar 19, 2015
Warhorse Warhorse-MainPic.png Vehicle Covenant Apr 23, 2015
Archangel Archangel-MainPic.png Aircraft Covenant Apr 23, 2015
Brother Jeremiah - Hero BrotherJeremiah-MainPic.png Special Forces / Preserver Revelation May 21, 2015
Lead Preserver LeadPreserver-MainPic.png Special Forces / Preserver Revelation May 21, 2015
Preserver Preserver-MainPic.png Special Forces / Preserver Revelation May 21, 2015
Kara - Hero Kara-MainPic.png Special Forces Rapture Jun 18, 2015
Hellhound Hellhound-MainPic.png Vehicle Rapture Jun 18, 2015
Concussion Grenade ConcussionGrenade-LargePic.png Tactical Component Revelation May 21, 2015
Shock Grenade ShockGrenade-LargePic.png Tactical Component Revelation May 21, 2015
Take Cover TakeCover-LargePic.png Limited Tech Revelation May 21, 2015
Adaptive Camouflage AdaptiveCamouflage-MainPic.png Limited Tech Shadow Ops - Cycle #11 May 01, 2015
Alloy Armor TitanInvasion-AlloyArmor.png Epic Tech Shadow Ops - Cycle #10 Mar 27, 2015
Caution Order CautionOrder-LargePic.png Limited Tech Shadow Ops - Cycle #11 May 01, 2015
Go Commando GoCommando-LargePic.png Limited Tech Shadow Ops - Cycle #13 Jun 26, 2015
M205 Launcher M205Launcher-LargePic.png Limited Tech Shadow Ops - Cycle #11 May 01, 2015
Neural Implants Techicon-Neural Implants.PNG Limited Tech Shadow Ops - Cycle #10 Mar 27, 2015

Additional Information


  • The Sentinels are the 14th Rogue Faction to be introduced.
  • The Sentinels changed their Icon to reflect Malichi's leadership on May 20, 2015.
  • The Sentinels was originally thought to have a Female Leader ( Sheila ) during Genesis but it was revealed in Covenant that the true Leader of the Sentinels was Malachi. [ref]
  • Definitions of sentinel:
    • NOUN - a soldier or guard whose job is to stand and keep watch.
      • Eg, "Immediately, a sentinel standing guard near the jail confronted him."
    • VERB - station a soldier or guard by (a place) to keep watch.
      • "a wide course had been roped off and sentineled with police"

Firsts & Records


Insert text here, without quotes.
  — Attribution 

Massive military and civilian convoys are entering Sector territory with the intent of recruiting for their company. Their Special Forces infantry are rumored to be far deadlier than any other factions. Stay tuned Commander...
 Genesis Event Message #1 

Advanced recon reveals that the recent insurgents are calling themselves the Sentinels, and promising safety to those who follow. Their recruiting efforts are aggressive, driven by a soldier named Sheila whose skill in battle is already become legend. Genesis begins 3/19 - can we count on you?
 Genesis Event Message #2 

Sentinel propaganda is spreading like wildfire. Members of other factions are vanishing from their ranks. Reports have surfaced of the destruction of entire bases at the hands of just a few of the Sentinels' Special Forces. Will you be next?
 Genesis Event Message #3 

The Sentinels are on our doorstep. They may be promising a bright new future to all who join them, but following is not in our vocabulary, Commander. Strike first, Genesis is upon us!
 Genesis Event Message #4 - Start 

Less than 24 hours left to put a dent in the Sentinels' relentless recruiting efforts. Prepare for the final push, Commander! Now's your chance to earn powerful Special Forces and get Sheila on your Side!.
 Genesis Event Message #5 - 24 Hour Warning 

Nice work, Commander. The Sentinels' propaganda has stopped for now. Did you earn the spoils of war in the Event Store?
 Genesis Event Message #6 - Event End 

Since Sheila's joined you ranks, she's revealed valuable strategic intel including the identity of the Sentinel's true leader: Malachi. Under his command they're bolstering their military bases. Get ready to give your new neighbors the deadly welcoming they deserve.
 Covenant Event Message #1 

The Sentinels continue to recruit both soldiers and civilians with the promise of a safe future. Their propaganda has won over many, though Sheila warns that those who she recruited were often never heard from again. Covenant begins 4/23 - are you ready to strike?
 Covenant Event Message #2 

Covenant begins in less than 24 hours! Intelligence reports have uncovered the true background of the Sentinel arsenal: the Warhorse. Rumor has it that this armored tank has state of the art controls and unprecedented levels of power. Can you tame this Sentinel Beast?
 Covenant Event Message #3 

Covenant begins today! Destroy the Sentinel forces and make Mailachi pay for his two-faced propaganda. Win out to unlock powerful new additions to your arsenal including the Warhorse and Archangel.
 Covenant Event Message #4 - Start 

Nice work, Commander. The Sentinels' propaganda has stopped for now. The battle may be over, but the war has only begun...
 Covenant Event Message #6 - Event End 

Intelligence suggests that the Sentinels may be more than what they seem. They promised a bright future to all who joined them, but many who did were never heard from again. What vile intention might rest behind their plan?
 Revelation Event Message #1 

Those who have joined the Sentinels have gone missing for far too long. Rumor has it that they've imprisoned some number of those who sought safety. Revelation begins 5/21 - it's time to get to the bottom of this, Commander.
 Revelation Event Message #2 

Revelation beings in less than 24 hours. Intel suggests that the Sentinels are imprisoning those who tried to join them, with lethal warriors known as Preservers standing guard. The Preservers are led by a legendary warrior known only as Brother Jeremiah. Proceed with caution, Commander
 Revelation Event Message #3 

The Sentinels have been exposed! Malachi has been conducting cruel experiments on those who've joined his ranks, intending to create super soldier "Preservers". Those who escape say he intends to "purify the world". Free the survivors and end this madness!
 Revelation Event Message #4 - Start 

Less than 24 hours to win over Brother Jeremiah and set the survivors of Malachi's experiments free. Act now to unlock Jeremiah, Preserver Special Forces, and the powerful new Tactics components!
 Revelation Event Message #5 - 24 Hour Warning 

Great work Commander, you've freed the Survivors. It's time to regroup with Sheila, Brother Jeremiah, Kara and the rest of the Survivors faction to bring the Sentinels to a final justice.
 Revelation Event Message #6 - Event End 

Related Pages

External Links

  • Kixeye Forum ( 03/12/15 ) - GENESIS - ( Official ) - Event Briefing
  • Kixeye Forum ( 04/20/15 ) - COVENANT - ( Official ) - Event Briefing
  • Kixeye Forum ( 05/14/15 ) - REVELATION - ( Official ) - Event Briefing


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Gallery - Command Centers & Bonus Targets

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Gallery - Introduced Backgrounds

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Colonel Krampus    Dr. Heinrich von Kruger    General Mutoto    Goro Tazaki    Jebediah Jones    Kronos    Malachi    Nightshade    Odin    Sasha Kalashnikov    Sergey Kalashnikov    Shadow    Veng    Zachariah Kane
Ardra    Baldur    Brother Jeremiah    Dante    Deena    Doran    Jericho    Kara    Nyx    Oren    Pandora    Roland    Sarkis    Sheila    Sunder    Weaver
Hannibal    Red Lokust Engineer    R.U.B.I.    Shadow Operative
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