Operation: Badger Run

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Operation: Badger Run Special Event Main         To Be Announced

We're under attack, Commander! The Armored Corps has been hard at work developing the Honey Badger - an exceptionally swift destroyer that runs circles around the tanks. Fend off the oncoming attacks and the Honey Badger tank will be yours! Are you ready?
  — R.U.B.I. 


Operation Honey Badger is War Commander's Special Event designed only for beginners. As with other defending events, Commanders are challenged to complete increasingly difficult stages of battle against a Rogue Faction. For each successful stage progression completed the Player is awarded with Honey Badger.

Link to Official Kixeye Forum Post on Event :

Event Information

EVENT STARTS Day 1 Once you reached Level 8
EVENT ENDS Day 4 Timer starts only once player initiates wave.
EVENT NUMBER Currently Special Event Schedule is 1 per month.
TYPE Defending Defense Waves
ANTAGONIST Armored Corps Commanded by  ???
LENGTH 4 days Only Honey Badger can be unlocked
BONUS XP STAGES No Does not have XP system
XP PER STAGE None Does not have XP system

New Event Prizes

New Event Shop Prizes
Unit Requirements Unlocking Requirements Classification

Honey Badger

Beat Wave 15 Vehicles

Detailed Play Information

  • Defense Waves
    • Successful Defense- The Player's Base is considered successfully defended when all attacking Rogue Units have been eliminated while preventing the Player's Command Center from being destroyed.
    • Repeatable Waves - The Player must repeat any stage in which the Command Center is destroyed in order to move on to the next Wave.
    • Surrender - The Player may surrender a defense Wave at any time during the Rogue Attack. After which the Player may then Repair and Adjust the Base Defenses and restart that Wave from the beginning.
    • 360 Deg. Defense - The Rogue Faction may attack the Player's Base from any direction. This is also true for each repeated Wave.
  • Ending of a Special Event.
    • A Special Event ends in 1 of 2 ways:
      1. The Official Event Clock expire
      2. s. The event runs for a limited time of 6 days, after which time the Special Event Rogue Base will be removed from the World Map and all waves will be halted.
      3. The Player reaches a wave that he or she can not successfully defend or complete, thus forcing the Player to resign from the event.

Additional Information

  • This "event" takes place when the player reaches the Specialist rank.
  • You must face 15 waves of Armored Corps units to unlock the Honey Badger .
  • After obtaining the event, you have 4 days defeat all the waves so that you can unlock the Honey Badger .
    • The first ten waves consist of Honey Badgers and Riflemen .
    • Next three waves consist of Honey Badgers , Riflemen and Rhinos .
    • Last two waves consist of Paladins , Rhinos , Riflemen , and Honey Badger .
  • This mission is relatively easy to complete and unlock Honey Badger compared to other base defense events.
  • It is an event specially designed for beginners. A player usually does not have access to the monthly special events prior to this one.

Related Pages

External Links about Operation: Honey Badger

  • R.U.B.I.'s Facebook : . (Official)
  • Kixeye Forum Post :
  • Kixeye Forum Post :


Insert text here, without quotes.
  — R.U.B.I. 

Event Quotes (Wave Quotes)

BADGER RUN - It's time for battle! The Armored Corps has been hard at work perfecting the Honey Badger - a small, swift tank that can level from close range. Repel the oncoming waves of attacks and this killer will be all yours. Best of luck, Commander! (Hell Yeah!)
  — R.U.B.I. 

Known Event Bugs

Listed here are bugs that have been identified with this Unit. Once fixed each issue will be moved to Resolved.

Existing Known Bugs :

Resolved Bugs :

Forum Discussion Links :




1 & 4. Rogue Assault    2. Operation: Red Storm    3. Operation: Warhawk    5. Operation: Hellfire    6. Operation: Red Sky    7. Operation: Rolling Thunder    8. Operation: Undead Harvest    9. Operation: Shockwave    10. Operation: Hellstorm    11. Operation: Red Swarm    12. Operation: Warlord    13. Operation: Crossfire    14. Operation: Front Line    15. Operation: Archangel    16. Operation: Halcyon    17. Operation: Deadpoint    18. Operation: Deadpoint 2    19. Operation: Undead Rising    20. Operation: Desert Recon    21. Operation: Devil's Grip    22. Operation: Red Storm (2014)    23. Operation: Hellstorm 2    24. Operation: Floodgate    25. Operation: Floodgate 2    26. Operation: Cerberus    27. Operation: Cerberus 2    28. Operation: Iron March    29. Operation: Iron Reign    30. Operation: Iron Lord    31. Operation: Undead Swarm    32. Operation: Dragon's Oath    33. Operation: Inferno    34. Operation: Afterburn    35. Operation: Scorched Earth    36. Genesis    37. Covenant    38. Revelation    39. Rapture    40. Operation: Nighthawk    41. Operation: Nightmare    42. Operation: Nightfall    43. Operation: Night's End    44. Operation: Wildfire    45. Operation: Frostbite    46. Operation: Aftermath    47. Operation: Remnants   48. Operation: Descent    49. Operation: Isolation    50. Operation: Retribution    51. Operation: Omega    52. Operation: Stormfront    53. Operation: Dogs of War    54. Operation: Death From Above    55. Operation: Death From Below    56. Nightmare: Death From Below    57. Operation: Unholy Alliance    58. Operation: The Righteous Ones    59. Operation: Brother's Wrath    60. Operation: The New Age    61. Operation: Roadkill    62. Operation: Smoke and Mirrors    63. Operation: The Greater Good    64. Operation: Into Chaos    65. Nightmare: Into Chaos    66. Operation: True Believers    67. Operation: Blind Faith    68. Operation: The Divide    69. Operation: Resurrection    70. Nightmare: Resurrection    71. Operation: Thorium Rush    72. Operation: Espionage    73. Operation: The Source of Power    74. Operation: Road to Hell    75. Operation: Dreams of the Machine God    76. Operation: Sins of Our Fathers    77. Operation: Source Code    78. Operation: Deus Ex Machina    79. Operation: Rising Sun    80. Operation: Heatwave    81. Operation: Meltdown    82. Operation: Burning Dead    83. Nightmare: Burning Dead    84. Operation: Wargames    85. Operation: Red Exodus    86. Operation: Metamorphosis    87. Operation: Red Revelation    88. Operation: Righteous Return    89. Operation: Great Awakening    90. Operation: Deliverance    91. Operation: Final Reckoning    92. Operation: Wargames 2    93. Operation: Solitude    94. Operation: Shattered Alliance    95. Operation: Dead Fall    96. Nightmare: Dead Fall    97. Operation: War Of Shadows    98. Operation: Smoke and Shadow    99. Operation: Agents of Chaos    100. Operation: Chaos Century    101. Operation: Chaos Apocalypse    102. Operation: Thunderstorm    103. Operation: Storm's Eye    104. Operation: Stormchaser    105. Operation: Exiled Honor    106. Operation: Tied That Bind    107. Operation: Sanctuary    108. Operation: Burning Rivalry    109. Nightmare: Buried Alive    110. Operation: Wargames III    112. Operation: Thorium Dawn    112. Operation: The Thorium Trail    113. Operation: The Price Of Thorium    114. Operation: Fistful Of Thorium    115. Operation: Day Of Ascension
Defend-EventBox-Icon.png   PvE OFFENSIVE & DEFENSE EVENTS   Defend-EventBox-Icon.png
0. Operation: Badger Run    1. Onslaught    2. Winter Onslaught    3. Horde Onslaught    4. Wasteland Onslaught    5. Silver Skull Onslaught    6. Monumental Death Onslaught    7. Hound Roast Onslaught    8. Thor Galore Onslaught    9. Zombie Invasion    10. Pure Thor Onslaught    11. Survivor's Onslaught    12. Onslaught 12    13. Onslaught 13    14. Onslaught 14    15. Onslaught 15    16. Onslaught 16    17. Onslaught 17    18. Zombie Onslaught
   Invasion 1    Invasion 2    Invasion 3    Invasion 4    Invasion 5    Invasion 6    Invasion 7    Invasion 8    Invasion 9    Invasion 10    Invasion 11    Invasion 12    Invasion 13    Invasion 14    Invasion 15    Invasion 16    Invasion 17    Invasion 18    Invasion 19    Invasion 20    Invasion 21    Invasion 22
   Holdout I    Holdout II    Holdout III    Holdout IV    Holdout V    Holdout VI    Holdout VII    Holdout VIII    Holdout IX    Holdout X    Holdout 11


   Showdown I    Showdown II    Showdown III    Showdown IV
Infamy-Icon-Big.png   PvP TOURNAMENTS & PVP SEASONS   Infamy-Icon-Big.png
Infamy Strike    Infamy Pre-Season    Infamy Pre-Season 2    Infamy Season 1    Infamy Season 2    Infamy Season 3    Infamy Season 4    Infamy Season 5    Infamy Season 6    Infamy Season 7    Infamy Season 8    Infamy Season 9    Infamy Season 10    Infamy Season 11    Infamy Season 12    Infamy Season 13    Infamy Season 14    Infamy Season 15    Infamy Season 16    Infamy Season 17    Infamy Season 18    Infamy Season 19    Infamy Season 20
Shadow Ops    Weekend Special    Contests    Easter Egg Hunt
Event Shop    Infamy    eXP    Rogue Factions    Special Event    Mini-Event    Event Templates