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General Overview

Logistics are one of the Unique Resources available in the game. They are solely used to reduce the Repair Times of Units inside a Platoon or reduce the Upgrade Time of a single Unit.

Logistics are divided into 2 types, which are :

  • Repair Logistics :
    • Used solely to Instantly Repair Units inside a Platoon, either for a specific Faction, or all of the Units inside a Platoon.
  • Upgrade Logistics :

Using Logistics

Repair Logistics

To use a Repair Logistic, firstly :

  • Click the Logistics Button in between the Start Repair and Gold Button on the designated Platoon that has a Damaged Unit.
  • Choose a Logistic to be used to Instantly Repair the Unit in the Damaged Platoon.
    • The Logistic chosen must be the Damaged Unit's specific, or the Faction that the Unit is aligned to, or a Repair Platoon Logistic.
  • Click Use Now to confirm the action.

Upgrade Logistics

To use an Upgrade Logistic, firstly :

  • Click the Logistics Button above the Gold Button on the designated Upgrading Unit.
  • Choose a Logistic to be used to Reduce the Upgrade Time of the Upgrading Unit.
    • The Logistic chosen must be the Unit's specific.
  • Choose the amount of Upgrade Logistics to used in the process.
  • Click Use Now to confirm the action.

Obtaining Logistics

Via Holdout

  • Logistics can be obtained via Holdout either via the Arms Cache or Holdout Store.
    • Arms Cache :
      • Upon the completion of Holdout III, the Player is awarded an Arms Cache containing one random Repair Logistic.
        • The Repair Logistic earned may vary from Unit specific to Faction specific.
    • Holdout Store :
      • Upgrade Logistics may be purchased in the Holdout Store via eXP that the Player earned from completing Waves in Holdout.
        • Prices for each Upgrade Logistic may vary on how much time the Upgrade Logistic reduces.
      • Purchasable Upgrade Logistic may span from 12 hours to 48 hours for a specific Unit.

Via Special Events

  • Logistics can be obtained in Special Events via the Event Shop.
    • Event Store :
      • Upgrade Logistics may be purchased in the Event Shop via eXP that the Player earned from completing Missions in the Event.
        • Prices for each Upgrade Logistic may vary on how much time the Upgrade Logistic reduces.

List Of Logistics

Repair Logistic

Icon Name Affected Unit Description Max Limit
File:RepairLogistic-Platoon.png Repair Platoon All Units in a Platoon Instantly repair all Units in a Platoon 3
File:RepairLogistic-Corpus.png Corpus Repair All All Corpus Units Instantly repair all Corpus Units in a Platoon 3
File:RepairLogistic-Sentinels.png Survivors Repair All All Sentinels Units Instantly repair all Sentinels Units in a Platoon 3
File:RepairLogistic-Survivors.png Survivors Repair All All Survivors Units Instantly repair all Survivors Units in a Platoon 3
File:RepairLogistic-Adam.png Adam Repair Adam Instantly repair your Adam in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-ChopperCompany.png Chopper Company Repair Chopper Company Instantly repair your Chopper Company in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Darkstorm.png Darkstorm Repair Darkstorm Instantly repair your Darkstorm in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Destroyer.png Destroyer Repair Destroyer Instantly repair your Destroyer in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-HIVE.png HIVE Repair H.I.V.E. Instantly repair your HIVE in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Nova.png Nova Repair Nova Instantly repair your Nova in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Prophet.png Prophet Repair Prophet Instantly repair your Prophet in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Romero.png Romero Repair Romero Instantly repair your Romero in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Shepherd.png Shepherd Repair Shepherd Instantly repair your Shepherd in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Ace.png Ace Repair Ace Instantly repair all Ace Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Annihilator.png Annihilator Repair Annihilator Instantly repair all Annihilator Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Bishop .png Bishop Repair Bishop Instantly repair all Bishop Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Cerberus.png Cerberus Repair Cerberus Instantly repair all Cerberus Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Devout.png Devout Repair Devout Instantly repair all Devout Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Escort.png Escort Repair Escort Instantly repair all Escort Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Excavator.png Excavator Repair Excavator Instantly repair all Excavator Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Gunship.png Gunship Repair Gunship Instantly repair all Gunship Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Hermes.png Hermes Repair Hermes Instantly repair all Hermes Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Lancer.png Lancer Repair Lancer Instantly repair all Lancer Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Manticore.png Manticore Repair Manticore Instantly repair all Manticore Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Ogre.png Ogre Repair Ogre Instantly repair all Ogre Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Overseer.png Overseer Repair Overseer Instantly repair all Overseer Units in a Platoon 1
File:RepairLogistic-Sharpshooter.png Sharpshooter Repair Sharpshooter Instantly repair all Sharpshooter Units in a Platoon 1

Upgrade Logistic

Icon Name Affected Unit Description Max Limit
UpgradeLogistic-Generic.png Generic Full Upgrade Boost Any Units Instantly upgrade any Unit 5
File:UpgradeLogistic-Absolver-24h.png Absolver 24 Hour Upgrade Boost Absolver Instantly reduce Absolver upgrade times by 24 hours
File:UpgradeLogistic-Controller-12h.png Controller 12 Hour Upgrade Boost Controller Instantly reduce Controller upgrade times by 12 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Controller-24h.png Controller 24 Hour Upgrade Boost Controller Instantly reduce Controller upgrade times by 24 hours
File:UpgradeLogistic-Controller-36h.png Controller 36 Hour Upgrade Boost Controller Instantly reduce Controller upgrade times by 36 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Controller-48h.png Controller 48 Hour Upgrade Boost Controller Instantly reduce Controller upgrade times by 48 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Devout-12h.png Devout 12 Hour Upgrade Boost Devout Instantly reduce Devout upgrade times by 12 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Devout-24h.png Devout 24 Hour Upgrade Boost Devout Instantly reduce Devout upgrade times by 24 hours
File:UpgradeLogistic-Devout-36h.png Devout 36 Hour Upgrade Boost Devout Instantly reduce Devout upgrade times by 36 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Devout-48h.png Devout 48 Hour Upgrade Boost Devout Instantly reduce Devout upgrade times by 48 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Gorgon-12h.png Gorgon 12 Hour Upgrade Boost Gorgon Instantly reduce Gorgon upgrade times by 12 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Gorgon-36h.png Gorgon 36 Hour Upgrade Boost Gorgon Instantly reduce Gorgon upgrade times by 36 hours 4
File:UpgradeLogistic-Gorgon-48h.png Gorgon 48 Hour Upgrade Boost Gorgon Instantly reduce Gorgon upgrade times by 48 hours 4

Update History

Listed in Reverse Chronological Order -- Click [ Expand ] to View Earliest Updates

  • No Further Updates

Additional Facts

  • The Player can hold an indefinite amount of Logistic types. However, each individual Logistics have their own Maximum Capacity.
  • Logistics can ONLY be used ONCE.
    • After usage, the used Logistic will disappear from the Player's Inventory.


  • Most of the Logistics shares the same Artwork.
  • The Generic Full Upgrade Boost was awarded to 3 Winners of the Meme Contest.
    • 1st Place, won by E.w.i.n.d.a.r, was awarded 5x Generic Full Upgrade Logistics.
    • 2nd Place, won by Nut, was awarded 3x Generic Full Upgrade Logistics.
    • 3rd Place, won by jordanbrookes, was awarded 1x Generic Full Upgrade Logistics.


Click Expand to View Additional Quotes

Spring Into Action with Holdout! - Face the Shadow Alliance and their allies to earn XP to spend in the Holdout Prize Store! Confront Sarkis' most powerful soldiers in the Bonus Base for access to unit Logistics including brand new Diamond tech for the Gorgon!
  — GameUpdate 03-19-2020-(2) [src]

True Believers Draw Near! - Holdout against the True Believers' spread in these World Map targets that grant Manticore and Annihilator Tokens, amongst other loot. Gain an edge on the enemy by claiming Bonus Crates that appear throughout these targets. Crate benefits range from spawning in friendly backup o calling in a devastating missile barrage. Push even further by tackling the Holdout Bonus base to unlock additional Logistics as well as access to the exclusive Annihilator War Paint, Overgrowth!
  — GameUpdate 05-01-2019-(2) [src]

Holdout Returns! - Push back Red Lokust waves with all ground units including the Judge and the newly released Kraken! Defeat these World Map targets for Sentry and Escort Tokens as well as a chance at new Nova, Escort and Sentry Logisics. For a further challenge, take on the Holdout Bonus base which not only offers a guaranteed Faction Logistic but now also includes the exclusive Sentry War Paint, Nightwatch, and drops a powerful Special Op.
  — GameUpdate 01-16-2019-(2) [src]

New Logistics, Tokens and More! - Get the latest Survivors Unique back into the fight faster with new Romero Logistic, added to the Logistics Chest only available upon defeating all three Holdout Bases. This Holdout also sees tokens available for the Gunship, Cerberus, and Bishop along with a suite of Survivors units, techs and tokens!
  — GameUpdate 11-15-2018 [src]

Defeat all three Holdout bases to unlock Logistics and the bonus base, an extremely difficult battle that rewards you with Warpaints and an extra Logistic! Logistics are spec-ops type boosts that instantly repair damage units in one of your platoons.
  — Holdout Briefing [src]

Mobilize your platoons for an all-out assault! Seize ground and defend against waves of enemies to win units, component sets, tokens, warpaints, and brand new Logistics!
  — 8.40 Downtime & Release Notes [src]

Related Pages

External Links

  • Kixeye Forum ( 05/12/2020 ) - WAR COMMANDER MEME CONTEST WINNERS - ( Official ) - Winners of the Meme Contest announced
  • Kixeye Forum ( 04/24/2020 ) - WAR COMMANDER MEME CONTEST - ( Official ) - Meme Contest for Generic Upgrade Logistics
  • Kixeye Forum ( 04/24/2020 ) - INVASION - ( Official ) - Absolver Upgrade Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 03/19/2020 ) - HOLDOUT VIII - ( Official ) - Destroyer Repair Logistic Introduction    Devout, Controller & Gorgon Upgrade Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 03/04/2020 ) - Operation: Chaos Apocalypse - ( Official ) - Upgrade Logistic Introduction    Devout & Controller Upgrade Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 12/20/2019 ) - HOLDOUT VII - ( Official ) - Adam, Ogre & Devout Repair Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 08/23/2019 ) - HOLDOUT VI - ( Official ) - HIVE, Overseer and Ace Repair Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 07/24/2019 ) - Holdout Mk. V - ( Official ) - Chopper Company, Excavator, Hermes & Annihilator Repair Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 03/01/2019 ) - Holdout V4 Briefing - ( Official ) - Shepherd Repair Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 01/16/2019 ) - January Holdout Briefing - ( Official ) - Nova, Escort & Sentry Repair Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 11/15/2018 ) - Holdout Briefing - ( Official ) - Darkstorm & Romero Repair Logistic Introduction
  • Kixeye Forum ( 08/03/2018 ) - Holdout Briefing - ( Official ) - Logistic Introduction


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